The first element is symptomatic of American battleships as a whole, especially the new line of American battleships that Florida heralds. At 33.5 seconds per volley, Florida's reload isn't as bad as some of the others in the new tech-tree, but let's not mince words: It sucks to wait that long between trigger pulls. I can stomach this if the results for waiting are particularly amusing, however Florida's gunnery is an exercise in frustration for me because of my second gripe: Florida's shell hits are not satisfying. Florida's shells, both AP and HE, don't hit especially hard. Their damage values are lower than you might expect for a 356mm weapon. In fact, Florida's damage output on her AP and HE shells is most closely matched by those off the sixteen-gun Lyon. Lyon has only a 30 second reload, I remind you, 3.5 seconds faster than Florida with a four-gun advantage. Compare: Her individual hits just aren't doing as much damage as other American battleships. While she still has better broadside weight than the ten-gun armed New York-class, she's well behind the other twelve-gun armed American standards despite having a better reload time than all of them. This deficit in shell damage (combined with her slower reload) means that in terms of raw damage potential, Florida falls way behind, ending up in the bottom half of the DPM charts despite her large number of guns. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. In theory, California has some pretty good AP damage output. Florida's artificial fragility instead comes from three sources. The most influential of these is her citadel placement and geometry. Any battleship with her citadel sitting high over the waterline and abutting against the ship's exterior has a big ol' weakspot that's pretty easy to exploit. That, in of itself, isn't enough to damn a ship. For example, Soviet battleships all share this weak point, but many (if not most) of them are considered super-tanky. Therein lies Florida's second weakness: she lacks any form of extended armour to assist with shattering HE shells and ricocheting incoming AP rounds. While her amidships deck is a respectable 37mm, her butt, snoot and upper hull are all highly vulnerable. 25mm and 26mm armour are easily over-matched by the oh-so commonplace 380mm+ AP shells found at this tier. This armour similarly doesn't hold up against HE spam from cruisers and some destroyers. Thus Florida is much more limited when it comes to tanking incoming rounds. She can bounce 356mm armed battleships throwing AP in her face for days but angle improperly or test your luck against larger caliber guns and she goes down in a hurry. Hard pass, ladies and gentlemen. Something not really mentioned is her torpedo protection, though probably not needed due to her low HP. That 26% really doesn't amount to much as even a single torpedo from any of the ships you face there will hurt, especially if it hits an unprotected spot. You will need to avoid being torpedoed with her much more than any other BB. A salvo from the Campbeltown will cripple you, even if it all goes into the torpedo belt. Eat a salvo from the Farragut, and you are going to be in very bad shape. A salvo from Gallant will pretty much end your run. If either Farragut or Gallant hit you with a full (both launchers) salvo, your run is over, even at 100%. (37% damage reduction for Arizona vs 36% for California). Wargaming will try and sell you this ship bragging that this reach is to California's advantage. QueensFGCU. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. Granted I have California too (mostly due to 1. Florida's upgrade choices are pretty dull. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. The most dangerous shots come from medium to long range where shells have a bit of drop going for them to strike beneath the waterline and angle towards the citadel. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. And she gains naught for these handicaps. She is a powerful tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair. How Much Is the Property Tax in Florida? After an impressive week that saw the Tigers go 3-1-1, Auburn begins a new week by welcoming in Florida A&M to Plainsman Park for a I should preface this by saying that I love the American standard-type battleships. But given CA's epic history, it does irritate me to see so much love lavished on their napkinwaffe RU BB and KM CV lines, while CA gets this treatment. Over on the defensive end, the Panthers Observe: California has absolutely horrid main battery traverse rates, coming about at a glacial 60s for 180. That hurts given her inability to overmatch 25mm armour that's so commonplace within her matchmaking spread. They are phoenixes that rose from the ashes of Pearl Harbor. Maybe Repair Party needs to be a little less unique on cruisers, other than UK zombie type or other such quirks. Her protection scheme is otherwise fine though her snoot is a huge weak spot. LOCATION: Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida. They'd have to, after more than 4 years, maybe 5 at this point, adjust BB's to take slightly less damage from fires (instead of the 18% that has caused contention since day 1, more so after IFHE, knock it down to at least 15%, much as I'd prefer 12) which would help cut down on the actual need for survivability builds being standard. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. California gets no tools to seriously mitigate this. Oh well, missed opportunities. By Good range for a tier VII battleship, able to reach out to 21.6km with her APRM1 modification. Were it me at the helm of California's project, if improving her offense was off the table I would have done something here. Unfortunately she can't really take advantage as well as another battleship might because of her slowness. This is a booby prize in the current meta. I for one wouldn't have spent a nickel on your game without her. Hit Points: 51,800Min Bow & Deck Armour: 25mm extremities, 26mm upper hull & 37mm deckMaximum Citadel Protection: 285mm belt or water + 213mm belt + 56mm, 96mm or 140mm citadel wall.Torpedo Damage Reduction: 26%. You're not reinventing the wheel with Florida. Take the usual battleship survivability build. It's boring but it works. For variety's sake, you can swap out Priority Target and Expert Marksman for your tier 1 and tier 2 skills of choice. Some good alternatives are Expert Loader, Jack of All Trades and High Alert. Expert Loader in particular is a very good choice. Queens are 2-3 in their last 5 games. The 0.8 second faster reload still does not make her feel like she has anything but a painfully slow rate of fire. Why she has such high reload on such small guns at tier 7 when the similarly armed 356mm KGV has a 25 second reload AND has the 1/4 pen British HEHeck even if they'd given her 28 second reload it would make sensebut in all she offers so little compared to the Arizona but worse matchmaking makes her a pointless port queen of a ship. California VS Florida Beaches the BIGGEST Differences EXPLAINED The ship is showing to be in the top part of her class per the numbers so far. That even goes for cruisers cause yeah, especially some of the Battle/Super cruisers could be decent secondary using ships., They'd have to make it so players aren't pushed to survivability builds in BB's because of raining fiery death in longer range sniping matches and make it players of all ship types (save CV's) can actually get closer in and fight at closer ranges to make secondary builds worth something again and not just the 'manly' build. California plays like Arizona but she plays less comfortably owing to her worse fire arcs and even more sluggish handling. I've sorted these by the formula of [ AA dps x { range - 1km} ]. It's not a perfect system but it does weight heavier, longer-ranged firepower over masses of short-ranged defence. Absolutely. Thanks for your time on the review @LittleWhiteMouse. However, the premium standards Arizona, West Virginia 1941 and now California, all lack this boost. The final difference is cost. The 0.1 sigma difference is imperceptible in game play -- you couldn't tell the difference if you tried. Florida, on the other hand, would be much more enjoyable if HE pen on cruisers needs to be standardized beyond say national things like Germany having 1/4. And that's fair to say. It should be hella tasty and refreshing. February 28, 2023 11:24 am ET. Summary so far: You're buying a longer-ranged Arizona. Furthermore, it's not going to put off a determined tier VIII carrier even for a moment. And finally, as nice as the extra damage is, these are still 356mm guns. Thank you for everything. And thank you all for reading. The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. I did not pay for this ship. It was provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes. To the best of my knowledge, the statistics discussed in this review are current as of patch 0.9.9. Please be aware that her performance may change in the future. This is in contrast to Arizona which has like no practical AA to speak of. Florida can land a lot of hits with her HE shells. But again, Arizona is a thing. Same old, same old. Focus instead on her sloppy rudder shift time. She doesn't feel like she handles well because of it. Add on her modest turret traverse rate and she feels like a chunk-lord. The moneyline odds say Florida has a 62.3% chance of winning this game. Short of adding a turtleback, it's as well protected as you could hope it to be. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 157.5dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 4.0km): 269.5dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 318.5dps at 70% accuracy. You joke but I warned the devs of this exact thing. I wouldn't be a Community Contributor (CC) if it weren't for Critter8. I'm not sure the WGNA CC-program would have even existed if it weren't for him. Back in 2015, before there was a Community Contributor program, content creators like myself worked unsupported by Wargaming in any capacity. The predecessor to the NA-CC program was Club Wargaming which promised the world and delivered nothing but a booger-green title on the forums. Club Wargaming included dozens of content creators which had sprung up during Closed and Open Beta, including some big names like @PhlyDaily. All of us were paying out of pocket to produce content or having to rely on donations from fans to get access to the newest premium content. Critter8 took exception to this. He had made Ship Comrade -- a fan site whose best early features included tracking Rank Battle progress and had one of (if not THE) first Captain Skill calculator. He took his fandom seriously and wanted a professional relationship with Wargaming to facilitate content production. TALLAHASSEE Flexing his power over one of Floridas largest employers, Gov. The horrible fire arcs on California's guns will necessitate more manoeuvring to swing out her guns and then duck back which will only ensure she's stuck on the lower end of this speed. Thank you a lot! Because it displays they aren't looking at the facts objectively for themselves.. I admit a terrible reluctance to call any battleship's AA firepower "good". This said, when a pristine Florida activates her Defensive AA Fire and doubles her DPS, she has good AA firepower. I won't be purchasing her. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. California's on the low end of average for her potential health. 1. I've sorted these ships by the formula I like to use (DPS x [range-1km]) to give a better, but not entirely accurate, impression of AA effectiveness -- the logic being that longer range AA is better than shorter range AA. Has one fewer Repair Party charges than most other battleships. Summary so far: Worse protection than Arizona, tier for tier, but that's largely owing to a deficit of hit points as a tier VII battleship. California has access to two camouflage patterns: Type 10 Camouflage California and Freedom -- California. Most of those nice, tight groups are gonna miss anyways. UNC heads to Tallahassee to face Florida State (9-20, 7-11) on Monday (7 p.m., ESPN) in the final road game of the regular season. Vulnerable, high-water citadel with as little as 285mm worth of armour. They need to get rid of that junk mod they added that makes it all torps are spotted at 1.8 km cause especially against slower torps, like USN's, there's almost no excuse to not dodge torps if you take it. Rather than look for something new or novel, Wargaming played it safe. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating, except angry anime girl gif, I give this rating 5 out of 10. Instead, she has Gun Fire Control Modification 1 which increases her main battery gun range. The issue, though, is that they're not improved enough over the tier VI premium's to be worthwhile. Taylor Jones. Double Down, Ohio! Despite constant suggestions to give her improved accuracy and/or range on her secondaries, Wargaming wouldn't budge on keeping them standardized. As a result, Florida is growing; and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the middle class and major employers. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to Florida's 0.8 per 100,000. In particular, the Florida Keys is an excellent place to snorkel. By I have no idea why Wargaming didn't provide her with the tech-tree style energy preservation. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. Florida's citadel layout tells you all you really need to know about this ship's durability. The TL:DR is that her citadel abuts against the exterior of her hull and it sits above the waterline. With only 285mm worth of belt protection, this exposed "T-section" of her citadel is stupid-easy to bullseye for waterline-aimed shots from enemy battleships. For 380mm+ AP shells aimed at her bows, her transverse bulkhead is almost as vulnerable. When it comes to my battleships, I know what I like. No. Look at this chungus. However, she has very poor gun fire angles, horrible agility and no appreciable gains in defense all while being up-tiered to tier VII. Also, thanks for saving me from buying this ship thinking it would be good. Skills started to become stale when BB's started loosing the ability to just soak and eat damage, when DD's and Cruisers lost some of their stealth ability, when changes were made again and again that pushed gameplay to a more static state.. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. Now that said, with this high-profile release covered and my feels (hopefully) clearly broadcast, I'm taking some much needed time off. In her third slot, you have the choice between a, In the second slot, begin your fire resistance build with, Most people are going to want to spring for more range for California and thus, 3% bonus concealment from surface targets, 10% reduction to post-battle service costs, California has more range (19.9km vs 16km), California's AP shells do more damage (10,500 vs 10,300), California has a faster reload (34.2s vs 35s). WebFlorida and California are remarkably similar for their warm climates, beaches, tourist destinations, immigrant populations, and more, but both states could not be more Ships with stars have been changed or added since patch 0.9.6. Overall, the accuracy is very good, but not "crazy". In their past 10 Without allies to road-block, California will be run down, sneaky or not. California is a ship without game play identity. Florida's consumables are a little weird. There are two items of note: The big takeaways here are that Florida has access to Defensive AA Fire and her Repair Party has one fewer charge. Once upon a time, seeing a ship with this much AA would have made me very excited. Take this review lightly. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. I HATE w Her rudder shift time of 15.4s is the most remarkable thing about her and not in a good way. It's slow. While California does have some minor improvements over Arizona, they are (in my opinion) inconsequential. Top Speed: 27 knotsTurning Radius: 760mRudder Shift Time: 15.4 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 4.1/s. Compared to the 380mm, 406mm and 410mm shells being thrown about by some of her tier mates, their individual shell performance is middling at best. Were it not for her horribly slow speed, I'd have given her a 'simple' rating. heh), and overall they tend to start fires quite a bit. For me she simply, "clicks". Results will vary. Despite all that, what I really like about her is that her guns (while not powerful as you'd expect, which is mentioned) are fairly accurate at all but extreme range. I also like her secondaries, as they have decent enough accuracy and reach out to 6.6 with aft+flag. The single 5" guns tend to land their hits a lot vs the dual 5" guns (though that is not be saying much considering. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. Those are my sentiments to the silent warriors. They are truly the ones that really profoundly had (has) an effect to the mass public, unlike the affect the Whiskey Golf tries to show in their own efforts. This is the first meeting of the season between the two programs both coming off of big, emotional wins. That fact has lingered with me but perhaps I can make her work better than most. Ez fix". Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Though I can agree Atlanta would probably be better thanks to her ability to farm transports and DDs with her 127mm daka. Such wasted potential. Despite their outdated designs, they went on to not only find a role in the fast-modernizing US Navy but they went on to engage triumphantly in one of the final battleship surface actions in history. One of the most notable differences between Florida and Californias kid-friendly water activities is snorkeling. Florida and California responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes isn't so simple. This ship has been provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes -- I did not have to pay for this thing, which is a good thing because I would have felt offended had I shelled out money for this horribly mistreated piece of history. Fair enough. Granted I have California too (mostly due to 1. Historical Ship and 2. Native Californian) but she is a slow girl relegated to sitting For example, I loved the Hipper class and Prinz Eugen while most view them as meh at best. It's just a matter of making the ship fun and/or interesting to play. Wargaming burned me once too often in World of Tanks. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. The Florida at tier VII is based on the North Carolina-class of battleships as it was initially designed. After World War I, to stop the naval arms race that was raging between the different nations, multiple treaties were signed, including the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. In terms of pricing, Legoland Florida is slightly cheaper than Legoland California. They decelerate like normal battleships. Usually it comes down to the captain to decide if a ship is worth it or not. Are California's main battery guns better than Arizona's? California's increased rate of fire, higher shell damage and sigma are all nice but the difference is so minor as to be largely unnoticeable. Top Speed: 20.5 knotsTurning Radius: 640mRudder Shift Time: 14.7 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 3.7/s. . Ouch. I don't know why Wargaming decided to neuter Florida's fire setting so badly. I guess this will encourage players to reach for AP whenever possible. Keep in mind that these values do not include the fire resistance of their opponents nor the ship's accuracy. Fire resistance values against the opponents Florida usually faces is anywhere between 30% to 45% or so. So if you're managing to hit with 1/3 of Florida's shells against a tier VIII target, then instead of 4 fires and change, you're more likely going to see one per minute. Maybe. In order to land citadel hits, shells must contend with her 35mm anti-torpedo bulge then her 343mm belt and finally her 44mm citadel wall. I know it. WG executive 1: "Hmm, not enough suckers are buying this new ship. But generally, they should be returned to their previous roles that CL were better DD hunters, while CA stood a better chance vs BB's as opposed to 152 m death rain that melts everything. +4% increased dispersion of enemy shells. I just came to read another review by LWM, and donot have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. WHEN: Monday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m. The biggest advantage here is her increased range with the rest largely being window-dressings. Now, let me be clear: Arizona, the tier VI American premium, is awesome. They have averaged 3.5 goals per game (35 total) over that stretch. California, like most of her standard battleship relatives, features a 26mm bow, stern, and most of her deck. While at lower tiers this may be enough to deflect enemy fire, the normalization of the 406mm or higher guns at tier VIII and IX means that players will have to be careful in engagements against most higher tier battleships. This would have made her functionally as fast as Nagato under manoeuvres. If I were to purchase one, Florida would get my money for sure., Whilst I appreciate the very solid review you have provided for yet another ship, I am far more appreciative of your last few paragraphs on @Critter8and the rest of you folks. Once again, here are some dispersion tests. They could have made California powerful. Price Comparison Legoland Tickets. Lemme stress: They're fine. Queens are 9-8 in their road games against the spread. To be fair, Phloopy Dooply is too busy shilling for another game, a very corrupt game that was able to force me to quit because of increasingly terrible customer service and terrible changes. I was curious about this ship as i really love playing Arizona. I love playing Arizona but i won't pay to have it at tier 7. This doesn't look like Thank you for the preemptive warning, I mean review on this one. This picture is the best thing I could think of to illustrate CA's introduction to You know it. Decent gunnery dispersion with 1.9 sigma. I really don't like her alternative palette. It's a dull, elephantine grey in unflattering patterns. On the other hand, Bet now! You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. VERDICT: Pretty darned good for raw concealment values, though she struggles to spot stuff on her own. It's too bad she doesn't have the agility to make better use of this trait. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. In their hot shooting performance, the Tar Heels saw four players make three or more made 3s in a game the first time in program history. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this graphic. This speaks a lot to how badly the skill system needs to be reworked given how optimized skill choices have become, That would be great - but they'd have to actually fix the gameplay and change some ships to actually get us to a point there isn't just one optimized loadout.. Softer-skinned than contemporary battleships with 25mm extremities. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. I find california to have more of a culture than florida. California is a beautiful port queen that doesn't live up to her fantastic history. Are you really inclined to pay to play Arizona with worse matchmaking for the simple sake of being slightly less victimized by aircraft? Time to re-use a graphic because battleship skill optimization has stagnated! I want to head off any impulse purchases and warn players that they're not getting a ship worthy of California's name. Compared to New Mexico, California has increased range (19.9km vs 16.1km) and better sigma (1.9 vs 1.5) but again that horrible deficit in fire arcs (102 broadside vs 109). 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