There was likely more than enough to tie Saul to a conspiracy on multiple counts and the only reason he wasn't caught was that no entity was investigating him closely enough. Experts said it was better than a VHS. Jimmy discovers his representation of Lalo Salamanca has made him a pariah with courthouse staff, but a highly sought after defense attorney among Albuquerque's criminals. Just another Before departing with Nacho, Lalo reveals Kim's visit to a concerned Jimmy and compliments him on his wife. Jimmy tracks down Craig and Betsy Kettleman and persuades them to return home, but accepts a $30,000 payment from them as both a "retainer" and a bribe for keeping quiet about their stolen money. But with good behavior who knows?Jimmy. You were never gonna get it. He was also reluctant to be associated with violence or murder unless absolutely necessary. Saul, wearing a flashy suit, enters a courtroom for his sentencing hearing; Oakley, Marie, and Kim, sitting in the back row, are also in attendance. The Better Call Saul finale sees Saul Goodman, a.k.a. Saul Goodman, the lawyer made famous from the show Breaking Bad and its spinoff Better Call Saul, is a shady character and a master of manipulation. He then goes into Alfred's office and snaps photos of his checkbook, his bank and tax forms, and his passwords. That name is burned.Jimmy telling Kim why he wants to practice law under the name Saul Goodman. Saul is sent on a passenger flight to North Carolina, accompanied by Oakley and a U.S. A chance to play at the palace! Jimmy heads to the Forque Kitchen and Bar for dinner with Kim, where she tells him that she has been hired at the head of Schweikart & Cokely's banking division. The two look longingly at each other through the barbed-wire fences; he gives her a pointed-gun gesture. Kuby says that he's doing everything he can to find Jesse. Saul appears regretful of his part in the cruel ruse and discards the phone used to make the call, while Francesca tells him she should be paid more for this sort of work. When Jesse's girlfriend, Jane Margolis, dies, Saul sends Mike to clean up her apartment from any evidence linking her and Jesse with the use of drugs. Formula 409! You need to know if I believed that tape was evidence. Saul explained that he was threatened into helping Walt and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and claimed that he went into hiding out of fear of them, not the police. Jesse vanished and his confession was destroyed. Why did Walt suspect Krazy 8 of hiding a shard of the broken plate? Jimmy then decided to practice law under this name, believing the McGill name was buried and not wanting to be seen as "Chuck's loser brother". On Gene's way out, the nurse at the desk asks for another look at his driver's license, further worrying Gene. What took her so long?! A shot at big money. Gene hears a knock at his front door. Eventually, Jimmy decides to follow her advice, and returns to Davis & Main to accept their job offer. the time when our story of Jimmy McGill-turned-Saul Goodman-turned-Gene Takavic finally comes to a conclusion. Walt refuses and angrily rebukes Saul for even thinking of that. Cliff confronts Howard about his supposed cocaine use. Realizing he has just acted out of character, Gene returns to the Cinnabon and begins prepping more food before the shock overwhelms him and he passes out. Hey, that's when it all goes south. Anything that gets the DEA's panties in this big a bunch, you're onto something special. ("Breaking Bad"). Could easily be both, of course. Saul's look was modelled after a notorious Albuquerque personal-injury lawyer whose garish billboards and TV ads had caught the eye of the show's writing staff. After the events of ozymandias Walt, Jesse, and Saul would of been Americas most wanted criminals. Im not sure what they could actually trace to Saul tbh. Jimmy and Kim argue, with Jimmy later apologizing and admitting he messed up. However, he is well respected and revered by his fellow inmates because of his history as Saul. He then tells Huell that they might need to leave town. Patiently waiting for Chuck to wake up, Jimmy confronts and chastises him over stealing Kim's laurels. Originally from Cicero, Illinois during his career as a scam artist, Jimmy moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where he worked as a lawyer, and later resided as a fugitive in Omaha, Nebraska before being caught and apprehended in a federal prison at Montrose, Colorado. I fucked up. Uh, I fed them a load of BS about her involvement in Howard Hamlin's murder. Meanwhile, Walt tells Saul he fears that Hank will connect Jesse to Gale's murder. Saul Goodman is, as he says, a "civilian" - It would have taken a great deal to link him to Walter White's actions and many of the people with intimate knowledge of what has transpired (Mike, Gus Fring,Walter White etc) are deceased or have no reason to implicate Saul in their activities. Saul fears for his life and his freedom, thanks to the many criminal acts he committed alongside Walt and the many enemies he made in the underworld along the way. Saul then prods Jesse to check on them himself. Skyler accuses Ted of blackmailing her for more cash. He then talks to Mike at his booth, wondering why they gave back Craig and Betsy Kettleman' money. Jimmy subsequently seeks Mike's advice and is told that he will eventually get through it, but he has started down a road with his choices. Saul mentions that as a last resort, Walt can pay to have a "disappearer" vanish his family off the grid and set them up with new identities. ("Quite a Ride"), Jimmy begins dreaming about reviving Wexler McGill, and admits to Kim that he is not going to see a therapist because he wants to move forward. ("ABQ"). Also, the DEA and feds should be OK-ish now, given that they've (probably) let Skylar go with the information she was able to give with the location of Hank and Gomez' bodies. Jimmy must figure out how to recoup money spent on his remaining television commercial slots. Now, if you threaten to pull out, Hamlin would be insane to screw with you. When Chuck and Howard outmaneuver Kim to retain Mesa Verde for themselves, an outraged Jimmy springs into action. Saul explained that he was threatened into helping Walt and Jesse Pinkman ( Aaron Paul) and claimed that he went into hiding out of fear of them, not the police. They dangle these things in front of you, they tell you you got a chance but, I'm sorry, it's a lie. You're gonna be smart, you are gonna cut corners and you are gonna win. I mean, they're not gonna give it to you, so what? One thing leads to another, and the two spend the night together. By Season 5 of Better Call Saul, Jimmy begins to fully embrace his new identity as "Saul Goodman", an alias he initially used while performing scams alongside Marco Pasternak, and later makes use of as the alternate identity for the high-energy pitchman in television ads he produced with his film crew, and when he began a business reselling prepaid cell phones on the street. While filming a video about his billboard being forcibly taken down, a worker falls off the platform and dangles by a rope. Kim surveils Cliff Main and Howard Hamlin at the golf course while Jimmy sneaks into the locker room to plant a bag resembling cocaine in Howard's locker. Because you don't matter all that much to them, so what? Once out of the house, however, Kim makes it clear that she knows Chuck was telling the truth. Is he afraid of the law? Watching helplessly as the kid is pulled out and arrested, Gene's old instincts flare up and he suddenly shouts at the boy to say nothing and hire a lawyer. He establishes a loan-out corporation, Ice Station Zebra Associates (a formerly fictional company he and Kim had created for several bar scams they pulled), in addition to an offshore business called Tigerfish Corporation. Even though he is responsible for revealing his brother's mental illness to the insurance company and igniting the feud between Chuck and Howard, Jimmy is satisfied that no one knows of his role and with someone else to take the blame, he happily tells Howard that it is his "cross to bear," stunning Howard and Kim. However, one escapes and in the process, destroys Mike's truck and damages Jimmy's car, forcing the two men to strip it and push the car over a cliff. ("Waterworks"). He's even notorious among the police because he makes their jobs way too difficult. He begins producing his own personal ad, enlisting the aid of his former college video crew and some of his elder clients. While Cliff is open to the idea, seeing a previous ad run by D&M convinces Jimmy that the firm will never agree to the style or time of broadcast he needs. Well, that's that'll have to do it for me. () So a guy with cancer can't be an asshole? And it's all you are. They'll figure out Jesse was part of the ring at some point, either by Skyler confessing about him or DNA found at Jack's compound. Panicked, Gene empties a container of diamonds, makes a call, changes his license plates to Missouri plates and drives off listening to a police scanner. In Albuquerque, Bill Oakley receives a call on his cell phone from the man he knows as Saul Goodman, who wants to take Oakley on as his "advisory counsel" as he represents himself in his legal proceedings. How to increase the number of CPU in my computer? Jimmy at first writes off Howards death as Lalos doing, but Kim confesses that she was aware that he was alive for a while now and she chose to keep it secret because she knew Jimmy would make them hide and abandon their campaign against Howard if he knew the truth, and also tells him that they are bad for each other due to how much misery they cause for everyone else around them. But what did he actually do that they could trace back to him that he wouldnt have a legitimate defense for? Jesse calls Walt, who doesn't answer, then listens to increasingly frantic messages on his own voicemail from Saul. Two masked men, one of whom is Huell Babineaux, bust the piatas while Jimmy warns them about ripping him off again. He is shown to be willing to resort to whatever measures necessary in order to gain clients and to ensure that his clients, who are complete criminals, avoid arrest such as manipulating police, fabricating evidence and even stealing from his clients for blackmail purposes. And if you decide I'm not a lawyerdoesn't matter. In his teenage years, Jimmy began to play his own scams to get quick money. Saul successfully pressures the prosecutors to have him serve his sentence in a low-security prison in North Carolina, as opposed to the maximum-security ADX Montrose. And of course there is the possibility of Lalo coming after him. While cameras are rolling, Jimmy climbs up to the platform and "rescues" the worker, who is revealed to be in on Jimmy's stunt. Not gonna happen.Jimmy to Mike about his plan to acquire Detective Abbasi's police notes. Saul eventually acquires Calderas black book, giving him access to a vast criminal network and introducing him to later associates such as Patrick Kuby. He phones Walt, which leads to the three of them meeting in the desert, where Walt convinces Jesse to leave New Mexico, using the disappearer Saul mentioned to Walt earlier. Howard was there, and a P.I., if you can believe that, just waiting for me to lose my shit and bust in. No. You gave them probable cause out the wazoo. Jimmy has a hard time adapting to the situation, only reluctantly filling his old Davis & Main water bottle with his own urine in lieu of water and resorting to dragging the bags when he gets tired, resulting in one ripping slightly and Jimmy injuring his foot on a cactus when he retrieves the lost money. Theoretically at least, everyone who'd want Saul dead is either dead or long gone. Driving back to Omaha, Gene reaches an intersection. One night, Gene targets another mark, a bespectacled bar patron named Mr. Lingk. Gene exits the cab, and breaks through a glass panel to unlock Lingk's front door. Exactly. The man was an international kingpin, and Saul Goodman was essentially his partner. Suzanne has also connected Jimmy to the Salamanca drug family and asks Kim to approach him about becoming an informant. ("Magic Man"). Jimmy retorts that it was to make Chuck feel better, and it would be merely one's word against the other. After signing the check, Ted tries to make a run for it but ends up tripping on a throw rug and knocking himself out on the island in his kitchen. Us working together? Saul made good on his escape for a short time but he was eventually cornered, and when he attempted to hide in a bin he was held at gunpoint by police and taken into custody. Go on.Saul to Getz, Oh, thank God! The neighbor IDed you. He wanted one of my clients to lie for him under oath. And you will die there. It was over. How he hasn't fired you for this positively mystifies me. Dressing in flashy suits, Jimmy is the younger brother of fellow lawyer Chuck McGill and the ex-husband of former attorney Kim Wexler, the latter of whom helped inspire Jimmy to pursue his own law career alongside Chuck, and had dated for several years before their six-month marriage. What? However, when faced with Marie Schrader and the impact that his crimes have had on others, particularly Kim, he throws away both Saul Goodman and Gene forever to become Jimmy McGill again and to own up to his crimes, even though it essentially means spending the rest of his life in prison. The show ended with Kim visiting Saul in prison, and the pair shared a cigarette like they used to do when they were married and they spoke about the future. I'll tell you what's crazy! I mean, look at me. When Brandon "Badger" Mayhew is arrested for selling Walt and Jesse's "Blue Sky" meth, Saul decides to represent him. For Lalo it would be free reign on Saul Goodman. I will show you the game. Go grab a juice box. ("One Minute"), Saul later tries to convince Jesse into buying a property to launder his money earned selling drugs, but Jesse declines the offer. And Agent Schrader and Agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive. The events of Breaking Bad never would have taken place at all. Kitty-cat notebooks for everybody!Jimmy ranting at the bingo game. Mr. Spinowzo, the property owner, admitted to us that he keeps most portions of his business open to the public both day and night. Every criminal has a lawyer. You want perspective? I've been doing the "right" thing for all these years now, and where has it gotten me? In Coushatta, Jimmy posts the messages and then gets on the bus back home. She attracts the attention of Gene, who helps her out of the snow, snipping a wire off from her scooter to ensure he has to manually wheel her home. I'd be a a ghost. He receives a call from Skyler asking where Walt is. One of your employees is gonna find you curled up in that space blanket, take you to the hospital, hook you up to those machines that beep and whir and hurt. Referring to Kim, Jimmy said that she had more guts than him in the wake of Howard's death as she moved away from Albuquerque to start anew, but said it was him who ran away. At the hearing, things do not seem to go well for Jimmy as the tape is played before the committee. You know, like climbing Everest without supplies: if you were one of the lucky few who reached that peak, even for a moment, if you made him proud wow, what a feeling. You can't afford not to be on TV! Saul is extradited back to Albuquerque and held at the Metropolitan Detention Center. Call me crazy, but I don't think they deserve to have their bright futures ruined by a momentary, minute, never-to-be-repeated lapse of judgment. You'd want us to run and hide until you were sure I was safe. After months of hiding in Omaha, buried under a thick mustache and thicker glasses, Gene dips his toe back into the grifter life after being recognized by dim-witted taxi driver Jeff (Don Harvey . You make them suffer! Eager to prevent her from becoming Lalo's hostage, Jimmy suggests that Kim be sent to perform the task, over her horrified objections. Kim tearfully tells Jimmy that she just cant be with him anymore due to the amount of turmoil that has happened. To his horror, however, Jimmy watches as Chuck has another spell, passing out and cracking his skull on the counter in the process. ("Bagman"). Later, as he paces around his holding cell, Gene hurts his hand by punching at the door. His microwave, his stereo, his lights dishwasher, all the kitchen stuff everything eletric is back there. Here's a thought: Ajax! I don't You know what? Theres a diagram floating around that breaks down all the crimes we see and know about in breaking bad its really good and spells out exactly the laws hes broken. Later, inside a modest apartment, Gene pours himself a glass of liquor and watches TV, flipping through channels. Why did the criminal lawyer who laundered money for the the biggest criminal empire in the Southwest go into hiding? Saul replies that his biggest regret is an experience from his youth in which he hurt his leg in a slip-and-fall. Around this time there was also a documentary released about Saul, which discussed his connections to Walter White and the Cartel. When they disappear, he is brought in by the policefirst as a suspect, then as the appointed attorney for Nacho himself, who has been marked as the prime suspect. Seeing his old colleagues talking about the recent changes only serve to fuel the dilemma. So what? He used the money from the Sandpiper settlement to purchase a huge mansion and filled it with extravagant luxuries, and stored several keepsakes of his old life within. And it gets better! All the lights worked. Arriving home with Kim, they find Howard outside who reveals that he believed Chuck committed suicide. The two eventually make their way to a truck stop where Victor and Tyrus Kitt pick up Jimmy and Mike. He takes the records to a nearby copy shop, where he creates doctored copies with the street number transposed into 1216. Walt tells Saul to make the call in an hour. Mike turns him down and offers condolences over Chuck's death. I can hear you! He identifies a vacancy in a strip mall, which he decides to rent because of its proximity to the courthouse, the county jail, and the city's bail bonds offices. To Saul's surprise, he shares the basement with Walt, who is also waiting to be extracted out of New Mexico. ("Ms"), When Hank successfully deduces the existence of the RV, Walt calls Saul in a panic. Back in Albuquerque, he goes to the meeting but declines the position. Jimmy then tries to mend relations between Irene and her friends but is unable to since Irene's friends remain suspicious of her. Not even given a reason as too why he was not hired for a multi-million dollar case he brought to HHM in a silver plater, Jimmy angrily turns down the deal and leaves. But, y'know, with some sound advice and proper introductions, who knows? Jimmy is apparently unaffected by the contents of the letter. After that you're on your own. When you have technically worked for an international drug empire, it's just better safe than sorry. In Albuquerque, Jimmy befriended many people, including Chuck's then-wife Rebecca Bois and Chuck's law partner, Howard Hamlin. That tape? All that was left is Saul Goodman. Two years ago, a man came into my office, he said his name was Mayhew. Any trouble you might have: that's on you. Ultimately, Jimmy's attempt to "fix it himself" would lead to Marion discovering his true identity, causing Jimmy having to abandon his life as Gene and face justice for his actions. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. On the other end of the line is Gene, calling from a diner in Nebraska. Not only that, he claimed he was doing some things under duress; proving to the court that he was being threatened (which he was, when he tried to leave) shouldn't be so hard to prove. Immediately chafing under Erin's constant prodding and corrections, Jimmy dodges her as soon as he can so that he can present Kim his latest offer: a letter of legal action against HHM for mistreatment. That's crazy.Gene. Jimmy and Kim feel the apartment isn't safe and immediately go to a hotel to wait out the situation for a few days. () You pulled that heartstrings con job on me?! I'm gonna make sure they dot their i's and cross their t's - everything square and above board. Everyone was dead or out of the picture, Saul's lawyer and Skyler were still around, but anything they would say would incriminate themselves, plus it's all hearsay. However, I would like you to remember two salient facts. The neo-Nazis would have been a minor threat, if a threat at all - They have $69 million, they are holding Jesse hostage to make meth for them and they have killed two federal agents. During his law career, Jimmy embraced his tendencies as a former scam artist and, after becoming a dedicated and effective criminal lawyer, he began to represent criminals while he himself became increasingly involved in the city's criminal underworld, slowly losing his morality along the way. In 2002, Jimmy works hard at his own law practice but enjoys little success. Outside, Jeff picks up Alfred in his cab, leaving Gene behind. Go on. Why does Saul Goodman have to go into hiding? The neo-Nazis obtained this when they broke into Agent Hank Schrader's home. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Incensed, Jimmy resolved to burn the case to the ground rather than give it to HHM, and considered quitting the law altogether and returning to his old ways. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This triggers a sudden and acidic tirade from Chuck as he vents all of his frustrations about Jimmy and how he never should have tried to help him. The call ends with Gene slamming the phone down on the receiver and kicking in one of the glass panels of the phone booth. I really hope they don't rush into making him Saul Goodman and turn this show into 5 seasons of "Saul Goodman meets crazy client gets out of crazy jam" formula. I have to weed through all these saps who have wives and families at home! He has a ton of connections to the cartel, various other criminals, and now a spotlight of visibility on him. My question now is Jack's gang is dead. Walt assures him that Jesse is not on a killing spree and everything is going to be fine. Platt refuses and arrests Huell. So, I called the phone company. At one point, Saul says, "Victims' families would be great, but I'll take anyone on the ground who suffered emotionally." However, Chuck deduces exactly what Jimmy has done and openly accuses him when Jimmy and Kim come to pick up the files. Despite his newfound shady nature as Saul Goodman, glimpses of Jimmy McGill can still be seen, exemplified by his genuine disgust for having to defend Lalo Salamanca for his brutal murder of the innocent Fred Whalen and his remorse for Fred's loved ones present in the courtroom. When Howard files an injunction for copyright infringement, Jimmy allows himself to lose, using the incident to garner public support through the media. You didn't get it. The next day, the four watch the pest-control team as it tents an infested home. However, after a moment of consideration, Gene changes his mind and decides to "fix it myself" before hanging up and walking away. Mostly, he proves his brother's mental illness in court in order to get off easy following being arrested and charged as a result of Chuck's actions, even through he was truly guilty in the manner. Inside, Walt and Jesse assuage Saul's doubts about working with Mike again, who threatened to break Saul's legs. We don't know when exactly Gene is. Nevertheless, Jimmy goes through with it and succeeds in forcing a settlement of the Sandpiper case, utterly humiliating Howard n the process. Sorry thank you.Jimmy talking about Chuck in court. Saul tries to grab a gun from his desk drawer while yelling for Huell, but Jesse grabs it first and points it at him, accusing him of having had Huell steal the ricin cigarette from him, and helped poison Brock. I guess it'd be hard not to. Jesse leaves, and Saul calls Walt to warn him ("Confessions"), That evening, Saul and Kuby meet Walt in the parking lot of the hotel the White family are staying at to discuss their next move. No mention is ever made of him facing charges for his criminal actions in Omaha such as the shoplifting scheme, his identity theft scheme, the robbery that Jeff got arrested for and threatening Marion, suggesting that Jimmy wasn't charged for them and was possibly not even caught for most of them. My guess is he is nervous becuase if someone recognizes him and turns him in. The following morning, he visits Jeff's house and is greeted by Marion, who shows him a new laptop computer that Jeff has given her using his proceeds from the mall heist. Of his elder clients how he has n't fired you for this positively mystifies me booth wondering. Still be alive 's license, further worrying Gene Walter White and the Cartel, various other criminals, breaks!, however, I fed them a load of BS about her involvement in Howard 's... Another Before departing with Nacho, Lalo reveals Kim 's visit to a nearby copy shop, where he doctored. 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