Check your local exotic pet laws to verify that you may keep one. Liability laws for dog bites: Oregon dog bite laws hold owners liable for injuries caused by unprovoked dog bites. Laws to protect animals left in parked vehicles: Delaware law allows for the rescue of animals from locked vehicles without liability, so long as there was reasonable belief that the animal was in danger, and a reasonable attempt was made to contact the car owner. 3. The African pygmy hedgehog is the smallest of the hedgehog species and is the one often kept as a pet. (Adopted 1/15/21)(NMSA 17-3-32; NMAC, 19.35.7, Import List 2010), FELINES, CROCODILES, WOLVES, ALLIGATORS, PRIMATES, PRIMATE, SKUNK, RACCOON, FOX OR SYLVATIC CARNIVORES, Approved Fish Supplier (fish propagator verified as disease free), LIMITED TO: Salmonidae, esocidae, percichthyidae, ictaluridae, Centrarchidae, percidae; Nile and Mozambique tilapia incapable of reproducing, Class A Lake Permit (propagate game fish for sale), LIMITED TO: salmonidae; esocidae; percichthyidae; ictaluridae; centrarchidae; percidae, Class A Park Permit (propagate game birds and mammals for sale), Regulated Shooting Preserve Permit (shoot propagated pheasant, quail, chukar, mallard), Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit (rehabilitate wildlife up to 180 days - BANS displays), Nonreleaseable must be for fostering or socialization or transferred to other rehabilitators, zoo permit, falconers and raptor breeders or educational permit, Scientific Collecting Permit (take, capture, kill, transport game, birds, fish for science or propagation), Educational Use Permit (wildlife educational programs), BANS public contact except herp under permit and BANS displaying tame animals or those that look like pets, Need 12 programs/year or static exhibit open 100 days/year, American bison except captive-raised for meat production, Ibex and wild goats (Capra) except domestic, Bighorn sheep and wild sheep (Ovis) except domestic, quail, partridges and pheasants (Phasianidae), wild turkeys (Meleagridae) except domestic strain, plovers, turnstones and surfbirds (Charadriidae), shorebirds, snipe, sandpipers and curlews (Scolopacidae), wild pigeons and doves (Columbidae) except domestic pigeons, sea bass and white bass (Serranidae) all introduced, sunfish, crappie and bass (Centrarchidae), corvina, bairdiella and redfish (Sciaenidae) all introduced, striped bass, hybrid striped bass, white bass and others (Moronidae), PERMIT issued for scientific, zoological or educational purposes, propagation in captivity or to protect private property, EXEMPT: native American religious purposes, Arkansas river shiner excluding Pecos river drainage, Gila trout excluding McKnight creek, Grant county, bigscale logperch excluding Canadian river drainage, ALSO NEED: nonresident hunting license (nonresidents), GRANDFATHERED: those held 7/1/01 and progeny, rattlesnake roundups (rattlesnakes only) BANS purchase, sale and trade of other snakes, emergency removal, capture or destruction of rattlesnakes to protect human life or property, Pond Slider (all except Pecos River and tributaries), Pond Slider (Pecos River and tributaries), LIMITED TO: fathead minnow, red and golden shiners, gizzard and threadfin shad, tiger salamander larvae, mudpuppy, native crayfish (Western plains, Virile, conchas, Southern plains), INCLUDES: zebra and quagga mussels and other species listed, fixed component of not wholly or primarily covered animal parts or products with proof of more than 100 years old, total weight of animal part is less than 200g, and 50%+ of product not covered animal, federally recognized Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, noncommercial transfer to beneficiary of estate, trust or inheritance upon owners death or is gift, when authorized by CITES or federal or state law, EXEMPT: zoological parks and research institutions. Meaning,. This New Mexico law prohibits the importation, transportation, holding for breeding, releasing, or selling of a sell a live feral hog or the operation of a commercial feral hog hunting enterprise. Laws to protect animals left in parked vehicles: Tennessee law allows for the rescue of animals from locked vehicles without liability, so long as there was reasonable belief that the animal was in danger. In 2014, the Animal Sheltering Board oversaw the distribution of $25,900 from the state's spay/neuter license plate, made available to 44 local spay/neuter programs in 28 counties. New Mexico Small Claims Court Limits: $10,000 ( 34-8A-3 ) Eviction Cases Allowed in Small Claims: No, eviction cases must be filed in district or magistrate court. In addition, there is no state registration system in place for New Mexico. Join the APNM mailing list and be the first to know about the threats and triumphs affecting all of the animals around our state, and what you can do to show them your support. While it yields numerous rewards, pet owners are responsible for the health, contentment, and care of the pet or pets in their home." Local ordinances may vary greatly by area, so its important for dog owners like yourself to research and learn about pet ownership laws in your own county, city, or town. Breed-specific laws: Texas law prohibits any legislation that is specific to breeds to be passed on the city, town, or local level. Puppies or kittens may be sold privately in the city of Albuquerque only if the owner has an Intact Animal Permit which costs $150 and a Companion Animal Litter Permit ($150). Feral hogs; prohibition; penalty, NM - Police Animals - 13-6-1. This New Mexico statute provides that every municipality and each county may provide by ordinance for the mandatory licensure of dogs over the age of three months. Arizona. Amending the original FDCA law passed back in 1938, this statute introduces regulatory safety standards involving the production, processing, and labeling of pet food nationwide. There are restrictions in some cases, like how states require licensure and permits for owning a raccoon. A violation of the statutes is a misdemeanor. The Egyptian Tortoise is a rare type of tortoise. There are a few states in the U.S. that will allow fennec foxes without any special permitting or licensing. New Mexico Pet Forms and Agreements - New Mexico Dog Law Locate state specific forms for all types of Pet situations. Questions of liability following injuries or accidents. Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act (2010). However, if you purchase one of the six permit types, you will be able to keep subhuman primates, skunks, raccoons, foxes, and sylvatic carnivores. However, some federal mandates, like the 1966 Animal Welfare Act, were implemented nationwide to combat animal cruelty and neglect. This landmark piece of legislation established a minimum set of standards for the handling, care, treatment, and transportation of animals including dogs, cats, and other pets. It also established guidelines for the breeding and sale of puppies, and put in place restrictions on practices deemed as cruelty, such as dogfighting, cockfighting, and more. (NMSA 17-3-26 to 17-3-29, 17-3-36 Fur-bearing animals, such as muskrat, mink, weasel, beaver, otter, nutria, masked or blackfooted ferret, ringtail cat, raccoon, pine marten, coatimundi, badgers, bobcat and foxes, may only be taken during certain seasons or with a permit and/or a license. Foxes are easily domesticated and are legal for purchase and ownership in many states across the country (Florida, New York, Indiana) for example. ", They also have the right to express normal behavior. Liability laws for dog bites: West Virginia dog bite laws hold owners responsible for any damage caused by an unaccompanied dog running at large. License fees shall be fixed by the responsible municipality or county. "@type": "Answer", These requirements also apply to livestock animals often considered pets, such as potbellied pigs and teacup pigs. This species of tortoise is also known as the Kleinmann's Tortoise. Persons possessing restricted wildlife must obtain a wildlife holding license to lawfully possess the animal. A first offense is a petty misdemeanor; a second or subsequent offense is a misdemeanor. Game and Fish and Outdoor Recreation. (NMSA 17-2-2, 17-2-3, 17-2-7, 17-2-13, 17-2-14, 17-3-26 to 17-3-29, 17-3-32.1, 17-3-36, 17-4-8 to 17-4-28, 17-5-2; NMAC,,, 19.35). Predatory Wild Animals and Rodent Pests, NMSA 1978, 28-7-3 to 28-7-5; 28-11-1 to 28-11-6; 77-1-15.1; 65-7-16. While federal and state laws provide broad regulations surrounding pet ownership, local ordinances and municipal laws set specific standards for cities, towns, and other localities. NM - Endangered Species - Chapter 17. Arriving with your pet in Mexico. PERMIT required for live possession and sale of all wild and captive-bred protected species, which are game, furbearing animals, endangered and threatened species, songbirds and primarily insect-eating birds, hawks, vultures and owls, and native reptiles and amphibians. Make sure a dish of water is available to them at all times. We would love to hear from you. Laws to protect animals left in parked vehicles: Pennsylvania law allows for the rescue of animals from locked vehicles, but only by an animal control officer, law officer, or other authorized person, and only if certain conditions are met. Liability laws for dog bites: Illinois dog bite laws hold owners liable for unprovoked dog bites where the victim was conducting him or herself peacefully and lawfully.. Vaccination of dogs and cats required 77-1-4. It is also illegal to destroy or disturb sea turtles' nests. Liability laws for dog bites: Ohio dog bite laws hold owners liable for dog bites, unless the victim was trespassing, teasing or tormenting the dog, or committing a criminal offense. (No source) PRIMATE, SKUNK, RACCOON, FOX OR SYLVATIC CARNIVORES The Health Department has the authority to regulate any subhuman primate, skunk, raccoon, fox or sylvatic carnivores as pets. Tether laws: D.C. dog tether laws prohibit cruelty chains, including tethers that cause a dog to choke, and ones that do not allow them to access food/water or to escape harm. Were reader-supported. Is it Legal to Own a Pet Raccoon? Speaking of the state you can freely and comfortably own a capybara, it's legal to adopt a capybara in New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The Wildlife Conservation Act [ 17-2-37 NMSA 1978], prohibits any person from transporting, selling, possessing, or exporting any species that are deemed endangered by the state. Naturally, some parts of the country have stricter animal protection laws than others. Pet skunks are mainly kept in the United States, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Italy . Tether laws: Maryland dog tether laws prohibit tethering dogs in ways that restrict movement, and also outlines conditions to provide sanitary conditions and shelter to tethered dogs. Alabama. Everything we create is factually accurate and biased toward science, The best toothpaste for dogs, according to vets, White specks in dog poop: Heres what to do. }] Written by So it bans the animal completely, citing the threat to native fish . 194, 9 77-1-5 . However, each state in the United States of America has their own policy on the subject. This New Mexico statute concerns tangible personal property of governing local and state agencies. A 2016 amendment provides liability protection to persons acting in the best interests of an animal to rescue it from a vehicle. Besides acting as a caretaker and providing a happy life for your pet, you must be aware of the numerous local, state, and federal laws surrounding pet ownership in the United States. Breed-specific laws: New York law prohibits any legislation that is specific to breeds to be passed on the city, town, or local level. Leash laws: Michigan law states that its unlawful for any dog to stray from their owner unless properly restrained by a leash. Expect to pay $850 for direct cremation in Las Cruces, and around $1200 in Albuquerque. This includes a ban on all salamanders, and this includes axolotls. Documents required for pets leaving California and entering another country Laws to protect animals left in parked vehicles: Maryland law allows for the rescue of animals from locked vehicles, but only by an animal control officer, law officer, firefighter, or other authorized person, and only if certain conditions are met. Tether laws: Tennessee dog tether laws prohibits the tethering of any dog in a manner that results in injury to the dog. All other primates are legal and no registration is required, making Tennessee a very primate-friendly state in comparison to others. Tether laws: Californias tether laws prohibit the tethering, chaining, or tying up of any dog to a tree, fence, or another stationary object. The truth is that you are not legally required to register or certify a service dog in New Mexico or any other state in the U.S. Service dogs are protected under the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, and other laws. As responsible pet parents, we must follow laws to keep our pets and the people around them safe. Leash laws: Pennsylvania leash laws state that dogs must be kept firmly secured by means of a collar or chain, or under the reasonable control of the owner while hunting or field training. TAKE METHODS: Field collection including hand-held flashlight, collection from roads, lizard noose, snake grabber, snake hook, seines, cast net, dip netANNUAL LIMITS: commercial and noncommercial, NOTE: General cruelty to animals law specifically exclude reptiles. Liability laws for dog bites: Georgia dog bite law holds any owner of a vicious or dangerous animal of any kind liable for a bite or injury, as long as the victim didnt provoke the bite on their own. The law applies to public and private property. Liability laws for dog bites: Indiana dog bite laws hold owners liable for unprovoked dog bites where the victim was conducting him or herself peaceably and in a lawful location. In most states, raccoons are considered wild animals. Section 46A-4-408, was adopted in 2003, and did not repeal the previous pet trust law. Tether laws: Hawaii dog tether laws state that the tethering of a dog by means of a choke, prong, or pinch collar is prohibited and will be considered animal cruelty. New Mexico currently does not allow an individual to own or possess a fox. It is unlawful for a person to commit interference with another person who is lawfully hunting, trapping or fishing in an area where hunting, trapping or fishing is permitted by a custodian of public property or an owner or lessee of private property. Statewide, dogs arent allowed off-leash in public parks or on public school property unless properly restrained or enclosed in a car or crate. 2023 In 2020, England passed Lucys Law which makes puppy farms illegal in England. NM - Dog Bite - Chapter 77. This law authorized the listing of certain species as endangered, and prohibits the capture, transport, and sale of endangered species. If a conveyance or equipment has been in an infested water body, the owner must decontaminate it or have it inspected and certified prior to entering another water body in the state. "text": "In the event of a non-marital breakup, ownership goes to whoever purchased the pet and can prove ownership. BANS as protected species whenever they are removed from federal endangered species act. You can legally own a raccoon as a pet in sixteen states. A pet skunk. These laws dont apply to police working dogs. Forms for all types of pet situations possess the animal completely, citing the to... Arent allowed off-leash in public parks or on public school property unless properly restrained by a.. 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