may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face . Verfassungen der Welt. Built from 1928 to 1930 by architect Hans Poelzig, it was designed as the headquarters for IG Farben, a giant German chemical conglomerate that was the fourth-largest company in the world at the . IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. They let the SS deal with the shall I say dirty work in the concentration camps. The most vieweddocumentary in history. Other companies that were part of the conglomerate include Bayer, Hoechst and BASF. For years an Auschwitz survivor has tried to win compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. Eventually the Western powers and West Germans agreed to divide IG Farben into just three independent units: Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF (the first two being refounded in 1951; BASF in 1952). The Nazis dissolved the Jewish Community of Uerdingen in 1942. Following several later mergers the main successor companies are Agfa, BASF, Bayer and Sanofi. [55], Other IG Farben staff appear to have known. record, we note the following: 1) Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has never been the CEO of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Moderna. [63], The Americans seized the company's property under "General Order No. Thirteen defendants were found guilty,[69] with sentences ranging from 18 months to eight years. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. The movement toward association had begun in 1904, with the merger of Hoechst and Cassellaa merger that immediately prompted a rival merger by BASF and Bayer, later joined by Agfa. An indictment was filed on May 3 naming twenty-four defendants, all in the IG Farben industrial concern, and listing five counts: the planning, preparation . The German conglomerate came under Allied powers after the end of World War Two and was ordered to dismantle ( here ). Farben and Krupp trials", "Elimination of German Resources for War", "Die Entflechtung der I.G. IG Farben Cartel was the most powerful German corporate cartel in the first half of the 20th century and the single largest profiteer from the Second World War. Both vaccines do an impressive job of providing protection against COVID-19. Now living in Dundee, Scotland, she tells her story in a BBC documentary. The top owners of Moderna are visible here and here . Weiler Ter Meer (1.9 percent). [citation needed] In January 1955 the Allied High Commission issued the I.G. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of these preparations. [a] These companies continued to operate as an informal cartel and played a major role in the West German Wirtschaftswunder. Medical Experiments in Auschwitz Conducted by I.G. Moderna: formerly German Chemical Co. IG Farben manufactured deadly gases for Hitler's gas chambers, former CEO Anthony Fauci, funded by Bill Gates Bayer parent co. also owns MONSANTO. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison. Some iterations of the claim also falsely state that Epstein generated his fortune through Moderna, but by 2010 when the company was founded, Epsteins fortune was already well established. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions. Phamaceutical business history, Vera Sharavs documentary Never Again is Now Global now available. ET. [26][pageneeded], Hoechst and several pharmaceutical firms refused to join. IG Farben is the company said to be supporting German terror activities and research of uranium ores in Brazil after World War II in, IG Farben is the name of the arms dealer played by, The company also plays a prominent role in, IG Farben is the German consortium that buys Du Pont in the. The vaccine that is coming. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. At the same time as Dr. Joseph Mengele, experimented in Auschwitz with medications that were designated B-1012, B-1034, 3382 or Rutenol. Policy-making was fused, but operations were decentralized. On paper everything was legally correct: Julius Israel Kohn from the Association of Jews in the German Reich and Bernhard Hoffmann, the representative of IG Farben, signed the sales agreement in a notarys office, and the copy of this seemingly standard real estate transaction has a stamp from the Krefeld tax office. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of these preparations. Learn more about it here. His name was Dr Victor Capesius. Today all traces of the Jewish cemetery in Uerdingen have been completely obliterated. According to the historian Peter Hayes, "the killings were an open secret within Farben, and people worked at not reflecting upon what they knew."[40]. These people were first infected on purpose through pills, powdered substances, injections or enemas. Within weeks of the authorities being contacted by the BBC, Zoe received a cheque for a little over 2,000 from the German compensation fund. [65], In the Western occupation zone, the idea of destroying the company was abandoned as the policy of denazification evolved,[10] in part because of a need for industry to support reconstruction, and in part because of the company's entanglement with American companies, notably the successors of Standard Oil. The first such patent was taken out in 1973 by Mario Cardullo, and the patent number provided in the message text (US2006257852) actually points to a patent related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus rather than any RFID technology. More on the history of the RFID technology is visible here . IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own concentration camp. Farben) IG 1998 IG195220121031 Jmno zskala z nmeckho Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG (Zjmov skupina prmyslu barev). But Moderna's is much easier to get from . [39], Company executives said after the war that they had not known what was happening inside the camps. IG's 42.5 percent of the stock in Degesch translated into three seats on its Administrative Committee, occupied by members of Farben's own, Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:36, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1939", United Nations War Crimes Commission 1949, "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart", "Joseph Borkin, Antitrust Lawyer, Author Dies", "I.G. IG Farben is infamous for its mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. A German watchdog organization, the GBG Network, maintains copious documents and tracks Bayer Pharmaceutical activities.. This is my conclusion, after 30 years of investigating criminal medical behavior, including mass murder. "GEORGE SOROS FOUNDED MODERNA" The claim falsely alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben, "broke it up" and then founded Moderna. There is also a fifteen years age difference between Gates, born in 1955, and Fauci, born in 1940 ( here ). [19], At the beginning of the 20th century, the German chemical industry dominated the world market for synthetic dyes. Dlh nzov sa uvdza ako I. G. Farbenindustrie A.-G., I.G. George Soros broke up IG Farben and he formed Moderna. Current Price. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Hayes writes that the inmates of Auschwitz III, which supplied the slave labour for IG Farben, were well aware of the gas chambers, in part because of the stench from the Auschwitz II crematoria, and in part because IG Farben supervisors in the camp spoke about the gassings, including using the threat of them to make the inmates work harder. Altogether its annual net profit was around 500 million (equivalent to 2 billion 2021 euros). I still find it difficult to take aspirin, she says. Fritz Bauer Institute. And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? 9". His role in Moderna is where he made his fortune and established his connections. "Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. [36] In February 1941 Reichsfhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler signed an order[37] supporting the construction of an IG Farben Buna-N (synthetic rubber) plantknown as Monowitz Buna Werke (or Buna)near the Monowitz concentration camp, part of the Auschwitz concentration camp complex in German-occupied Poland. If the pharmaceutical cartel succeeds with its cruel schemes today, the upcoming June Codex Alimentarius conference will foreordain the death of millions. Also see .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"Law No. Farben Fauci has been the director of NIAID since 1984, while ModeRNA Therapeutics was not founded until 2010. Unethical human experiments are a major threat to vulnerable populations everywhere including in the US where, for example, the EPA is seeking to conduct pesticide exposure experiments on children. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben," the conspiracy further states. Also the maintenance of the memorial at Auschwitz, which reminds the public of IG Farbens victims, should be paid by the corporations. The whole thing smells like a Greta Thunberg Jim Jones cult. Throughout that decade it purged itself of its Jewish employees; the remainder left in 1938. [30] The designation was used as the title of an East German film, The Council of the Gods (1950). Farbenindustrie AG, previously a diversified chemical conglomerate, is presently in voluntary liquidation. During World War II, IG Farben established a synthetic oil and rubber plant at Auschwitz in order to take advantage of slave labour; the company also conducted drug experiments on live inmates. (19471948), also known as the IG Farben trial, was the sixth of 12 trials for war crimes the U.S. authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany (Nuremberg) against leading industrialists of Nazi Germany. IG Farben was founded in December 1925 as a merger of six companies: BASF (27.4 percent of equity capital); Bayer (27.4 percent); Hoechst, including Cassella and Chemische Fabrik Kalle (27.4 percent); Agfa (9 percent); Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron (6.9 percent); and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Allied Control Council. IG Farben as Creator of Modern World SUMMARY Postwar propaganda promoted for a very long time an extremely one-sided view upon IG Farben. [50] The gas was first used on human beings in Auschwitz (650 Soviet POWs and 200 others) in September 1941. "community of interest"). Aerial photograph of Auschwitz, June 1944, showing the IG Farben plant, Peter Hayes (2001): "[I]t was Zyklon B, a granular vaporizing pesticide, that asphyxiated the Jews of Auschwitz, and a subsidiary of IG, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schdlingsbekmpfung MbH (German Vermin-Combating Corporation), or Degesch, that controlled the manufacture and distribution of the Zyklon. IG Farben was a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate that was not run by a Hungarian child. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. According to a DW report here , IG Farben was once the worlds largest chemicals company and was closely linked to the Nazi regime. In 1926 IG Farben had a market capitalization of 1.4 billion (equivalent to 6 billion 2021 euros) and a workforce of 100,000, of which 2.6 percent were university educated, 18.2 percent were salaried professionals and 79.2 percent were workers. 'IG Farben' is the diminutive of the rather more tongue-stretching Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie which has been translated as 'Community of Interests of Dye Industries'. In addition to this there were generally bad sanitary circumstances in the laboratories. The scientific value of all these experiments, whether ordered by the IG Farben or not, was in fact zero. [7], IG Farben has been described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich". Omissions? Bill Gates like famously went to and dropped out of Harvard. IG Farben, Interessengemeinschaft der deutschen Teerfarbenindustrie (Tyska tjrfrgsindustrins intressegemenskap) och frn 1925 I.G. The COALITION AGAINST BAYER-DANGERS demands that the company publicly apologize for the defilement of the Uerdingen cemetery and affix a memorial plaque to the main gate of the companys Uerdingen works. IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for Association of Common Interests: The IG Farben cartel included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Bill Gates. The Rockefellers are an American industrial, banking and political family dynasty. Elderly Holocaust survivors, former soldiers and world leaders have gathered in Poland to mark the 60th anniversary: I would like to say to all the people on the Earth: This should never be repeated, ever, said Maj. Anatoly Shapiro, 92, who led the first Soviet troops to enter Auschwitz. All test persons died. (Read: Rath Foundation. Farbenindustrie and the Control Thereof", formalized the seizure for "knowingly and prominently building up and maintaining German war potential". Farben became involved in experimental programmes using patients from the Nazi regime's euthanasia programmes and healthy subjects recruited without their consent from concentration camps, on whom various pharmacological substances were tested, including sulfamide and arsenical . On April 14, 1941, in Ludwigshafen, Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board . It was no coincidence that IG Farben built their giant new plant in Auschwitz, since the workforce they used (altogether about 300.000 people) was practically for free. 2) Bill Gates, who did not attend Cornell, also did not design or patent radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips. It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patented it under US2006257852. [31] The IG Farben Building, headquarters for the conglomerate in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was completed in 1931. At least 30.000 slave workers died in this camp; a lot more were deported to the gas chambers. Finally, the video claims Epstein, the billionaire financier who died in prison while awaiting a trial for sex-trafficking charges, was a major. More than one billion people saw part one! [6] Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". The Nazis wanted to sterilise the population of the east, especially Russian people, but enable them to continue to be useful as workers., Bayer says the company which exists today has nothing to do with its wartime counterpart. [28], Within the Dreibund, Bayer and BASF concentrated on dye, while Agfa increasingly concentrated on photographic film. The loss of the war didn't derail that plan. Updates? They were chemical and drug companies. The successor companies remain some of the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies. When I first traveled to meet her in July 2002, she was angry that she had been ignored for so long by the authorities managing the compensation fund set up by German industry and the German government. 9" (PDF). The remaining property, worth DM21 million (6.7 million or 10.7 million), went to a buyer. [9] Described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich"[10] in the 1940s the company relied on slave labour from concentration camps, including 30,000 from Auschwitz,[11] and was involved in medical experiments on inmates at both Auschwitz and the Mauthausen concentration camp. In 1945 IG Farben came under Allied authority; its industries (along with those of other German firms) were to be dismantled or dismembered with the stated intent to render impossible any future threat to Germanys neighbours or to world peace. In the western zones of Germany, however, especially as the Cold War advanced, this disposition toward liquidation lessened. I want to make sure people remember what happened to people like me when I was a child at Auschwitz, she says. [1] BASF was the nominal survivor; all shares were exchanged for BASF shares. Over time, Farben morphed into other companies, some named belowbut their mission is still the same - EXTERMINATION, DEPOPULATION, CULLING HUMANITY. At Auschwitz they were led by Bayer employee Helmuth Vetter, an Auschwitz camp physician and SS captain, and Auschwitz physicians Friedrich Entress and Eduard Wirths. In 1995 the coalition Never again! was created by the German Auschwitz Committee, Critical Shareholders and several organizations of former slave workers. Through a series of acquisitions over the years, Bayer. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The IG (Interessengemeinschaft, syndicate or, literally, community of interests), partly patterned after earlier U.S. trusts, grew out of a complex merger of German manufacturers of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and dyestuffs (Farben). After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. One of the most prominent ones was the German chemical and drug company IG Farben, which had a factory complex near Monowitz (the slave labor camp at Auschwitz) and actually housed the IBM facilities there. [71] Ambros, Btefisch, Drrfeld, Krauch and ter Meer were convicted of "participating in enslavement and deportation for slave labor".[72]. [62] Drrfeld was sentenced to eight years, but had his sentence commuted to time served in 1951 by John McCloy, the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, under massive political pressure, after which he joined the management or supervisory boards of several chemical companies. While it did not join a national compensation fund set up in 2001 to pay the victims, it contributed 500,000 DM (160,000 stg or 255,646) towards a foundation for former captive labourers under the Nazi regime. (NaturalNews) The year is 2014, and bio-agriculture on planet Earth is deteriorating nutrition and health in general. Hans Frankenthal, former slave worker in IG Farbens plant in Auschwitz and board member of the Jewish Community: I was terrified when I learned from this offence against Jewish belief. [44], Staff of the Bayer group at IG Farben conducted medical experiments on concentration-camp inmates at Auschwitz and at the Mauthausen concentration camp. [14] IG Farben executives did visit Auschwitz but not Auschwitz II-Birkenau, where the gas chambers were located. [17][18] What remained of IG Farben in the West was split in 1951 into its six constituent companies, then again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. I.G. I.G. False. After the war the property was passed on to IG Farbens successor BAYER AG. He was released after serving only four years. The idea was that the inmates would be shaved and showered while their clothes were being fumigated. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. [10] When World War II began, it was the fourth largest corporation in the world and the largest in Europe. "[43], By 1943 IG Farben was manufacturing products worth three billion marks in 334 facilities in occupied Europe; almost half its workforce of 330,000 men and women consisted of slave labour or conscripts, including 30,000 Auschwitz prisoners. Contrary to other industries, the founders and their families had little influence on the top-level decision-making of the leading German chemical firms, which was in the hands of professional salaried managers. As the world marks the passing of the soon-to-be 101st anniversary of the use of poison gas on the battlefield, James Corbett of The Corbett Report takes a moment to note some of the dark legacy of Bayer that the . [27] The two alliances were loosely connected with each other through an agreement between BASF and Hoechst to jointly exploit the patent on the Heumann-Pfleger indigo synthesis. It was a major German Defense Contractor. Held from 1947 to 1948 as one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials, the IG Farben trial saw 23 IG Farben directors tried for war crimes and 13 convicted. A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than 52", 2 July 1945, which allowed the US to disperse "ownership and control of such of the plants and equipment seized under this order as have not been transferred or destroyed". The companys contribution to this fund amounted to more than 40m.. Stphane Bancel, was appointed first Chief Executive Officer of Moderna in 2011 and continues to hold the position. Also presided over the GfK (Society for Consumer Research) and the Foreign Trade Committee of the BDI, Federation of German Industry. The test results in the concentration camps, as the IG laboratory specialists should have known, could not be compared to results made under normal circumstances. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937,[5] and three company scientists became Nobel laureates: Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius in 1931 "for their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods",[6] and Gerhard Domagk in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". "IG Farben-Haus, Geschichte und Gegenwart" (in German). In 2004 the University of Frankfurt, housed in the former IG Farben head office, set up a permanent exhibition on campus, the Norbert Wollheim memorial, for the slave labourers and those killed by Zyklon B. One ton of Zyklon B was enough to kill around 312,500 people. SAME Chinese Company making the Canadian Vaccine! I.G. "'Straight to Hell' Bypasses Substance,", "Records of the United States Nuernberg War Crimes Trials, United States of America v Carl Krauch et al. The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. Moderna, Inc is a biotech company ( ) that has received nearly $1 billion from the U.S. government to develop its coronavirus vaccine. It was founded in 2010 with the mission of studying a. IG Farben, in full Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, (German: Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations), worlds largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. Judge Rules Unsealed Documents Be Opened to the Public It continued to say that the company was first known as IG Farben and operated in Germany and was responsible for producing Zyklon-B, which was used in the Holocaust to kill millions of people. In 1978 Joseph Borkin, who investigated the company as a United States Justice Department lawyer, quoted an American report: "Without I.G. Pharmaceuticals. If this is acceptable to you, the women will be placed in our possession. The claim falsely alleges that George Soros ran German conglomerate IG Farben, broke it up and then founded Moderna. [66][2] The division of property followed the division of Germany into four zones: American, British, French and Soviet. In October 1904 an Interessen-Gemeinschaft between Bayer, BASF and Agfa was formed, also known as the Dreibund or little IG. Nor did her German doctors. Below is an excerpt from a BBC documentary about an Auschwitz survivor who for years tried to get compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. It had been continually criticized over the years for failing to pay compensation to the former labourers; its stated reason for its continued existence after 1952 was to administer its claims and pay its debts. In Ludwigshafen, Otto Armbrust, the Americans seized the company 's property under `` General Order No is. What happened to people like me when I was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany the. 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