You have broken your marriage vows and I am unsure of who you are now. January 15, 2013, 11:17 am. I would have chimed in much earlier but Im only just now reading the responses after getting my kids to bed. I think it all goes back to what Wendy said have discussion(s) with your husband about the fact that this incident has shaken you to the core and caused you to doubt the foundation of your marriage. So I guess I dont really have any advice. January 15, 2013, 11:06 am. OP: it sounds as if you and your boyfriend are looking for different things in life right now. Now that I know that the LW has not committed an offense that calls for being disinvited, I feel very sorry for her because she has a major problem with her husband. FireStar Here's 22 signs he absolutely, under no circumstances, wants to be your boyfriend. Really? Neither of these things mean hes trying to squeeze in much-needed time with you, just your vagina. So today, there was a party, small coffee shop opened that is owned by his friend. She didnt even say Im not sure why his sister would do this she said its gone unaddressed which makes me think she knows EXACTLY why the SIL excluded her, and that its probably for a good reason. FireStar My BF told me that he is not ready to drag me into his circle yet (well he has quite a tough one; I have to say that.) Skyblossom Formal party? January 15, 2013, 5:12 pm. . ok. sometimes you dont marry someone who would get involved in drama but you do end up related to them! January 15, 2013, 10:30 am. Since then she hates me. So in Wendys about me section it should say my stupid husband left the toilet seat up again. Even if my SO said he wouldnt bc of me, I still think Id tell him to go. Lindsay If its just because he thinks its too soon, I kinda get it, but still needs a conversation, Sounds like hes cheating on you or only using you for sex, doesnt want you around his friends and you are still with him. The protocols and practices of dating and the terms . That is pretty far out of the way to go to something your spouse wasnt invited to. wendykh Sure, shes a bitch to you, but dont be a bitch back to your husband because shes hurting you. They tend to be a bit unhinged. Excluded from SILs Birthday. Either way it'll be a selfish reason, do not go and enter no contact with him. I have been bullied, excluded, invalidated and mistreated by my husbands siblings. It Was a Last Minute Decision I am not putting you in a position to choose your spouse over your familyyou separated me from them by not considering me family worthy or we would have been all together solving it. Confusion = Hes just not that into you. My mom never forgave my dads sister for getting drunk, driving my brother and me around town (ages 5 & 10) and talking crap about her. My crime? Only 2 months and 2 days til St. Patricks Day! (hahaha sorry, I know I sound like a hag, but my bitterness mayyy be due to this one guy I know who ALWAYS wants to drag a group of 20 or so people somewhere 5 hours away, for an entire weekend, just because its his birthday. Its possible that sibling loyalty, however, would tell her to assist her brother in covering up the fact that it was HIM that preferred you not go. It hurts my feelings. Fabelle Its Ironic you even used the words "gave in to seduction" as if it was going on for years! Weve had some very stressful times that challenge a marriage but have ultimately made us stronger. It sounds like your inlaws are a problem. Sorry if the formatting is weird, writing this on mobile. This doesn't necessarily mean he's ashamed of you for being you. If you're upfront and open when asking why he hasn't invited you to join his family to. Ive had to fight my way into my in laws family, and they now know that we are a unit and they cant change that. He's emberassed by you 5. Questions - he asked me to take him to find an outfit. with a gushy note and an apology that sorry you couldnt make it as if you were actually invited paid for from your husbands credit card, of course! Not as a girlfriend, not as a friend, not as anyone. I now know otherwise, he would not have mentioned it. To me the question isnt Is it worth him not going and adding to the fight? The question for me is Is it worth him going (which entails quite a travel) when it could cause problems with his wife, and his absence could easily be explained by the distance?. Sure, I give my opinion, and sometimes he decides to go along with what Im thinking, but ultimately, I let him deal with his peeps and I deal with mine. itll take time and energy, but hopefully it can happen. Its sad to say, but often the reason a man doesnt invite a partner to his family events is that hes embarrassed or ashamed of them. Why does her husband have to ask his sister why she wasnt invited, why cant the LW just grow some ladyballs and ask herself if it is such a big deal. Thanks again for all your input! Ive been married almost nine years, which is a drop in the bucket compared to some marriages, but certainly longer than half a second. We have a great marriage but it hasnt been a bed of roses, and I have the hair loss to prove it. A call to the SIL will LIKELY clear it up. I see how I may have sounded extreme by saying that my husbands acceptance of this invitation shakes the integrity of our marriage. You see, skanky sis reminds him of his nasty, manipulative mother who, upon death, achieved sainthood. ), so he goes to see his sister/family and the wife stays home. I would tell my husband to go and plan fabulous things to do that weekend on my own with my friends, family, or kids. It may be a complex situation with some of his family members and how they will judge or think about you. I agree. January 15, 2013, 9:24 pm. Its important to be open and understanding of other peoples ideas of family and what it means to them and integrate that into your relationships. Where is the LWer?? by making a big deal out of a birthday, and inviting out of town people, you get to have a nice special time with all your friends and family! At least not in my experience! My husband was invited to his sisters high school graduation three hours away. Addie Pray While I would never let my family starve, I would also not expect that they give up their time to do things for me that I should be capable of dealing with myself (ie. If thats the case, where SIL refuses to invite new family members, SIL is a crappy person. Maybe there's a little of that going on? Even if I couldnt stand him and thought he was the worst person in the world, I would invite him to make my family happy. Sorry, thats part of being adults and being a family. You know those people you ask them what they would like to do for their birthday and they are silent then they pout and mope when a big party wasnt thrown. Your. Which is why I think the husband should talk to his sister and explain she is being crazy. He knows I am a fan of boxing. Victims often choose romantic partners who are abusive too, without even realising it. i think the adult thing to do would be to go to the party, tell the sister that shes being a jerk, LW to graciously stay at home, and then for the SIL to look like the jerk that she is, like bossy italian wife said. And that time you bumped into his aunt whilst shopping. lets_be_honest I am AMAZED that you advised this woman that it does not affect the integrity of her marriage if her husband attends a family gathering in which SHE..his deliberately excluded! Addie Pray New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Shouldnt it be one of them trying to do the smoothing over, or apologizing. Our family felt sort of uncomfortable around her, but she was still invited to events & everyone was polite. Add your answer to this question! He wants you there Im sure, he just doesnt want you to do anything embarrassing. Some are worth putting your foot down about, and some just arent. It sounds like theres no obvious reason why you arent included, and no concrete proof that youre not invited. Fabelle January 15, 2013, 2:15 pm. If its anything else then I think the SIL is in the wrong and the LW has every right to ask her husband to either smooth things over with the sister or him to not go. Its worth looking at the larger picture here and asking yourself if hes keeping you a secret from his family, or just doesnt want you to meet them? We are not exclusive since we have never brought up the talk. Just because they wouldnt expect or request those things, doesnt mean its not normal to offer. January 15, 2013, 1:55 pm, I could understand if were talking a 37th or 43rd birthday but 40? Do you two get along?If you do please pick up the phone and just like call her. You should have a better foundation than that but constant, endless slights do take a toll on a marriage and can break it over time. Im surprised no ones asked this, but are you *sure* youre not invited? Whatever way you have to find out, esp since you confirmed that you do have children so I guess your hubbys fun family weekend means you get to stay at home and care for the kids!?! January 15, 2013, 2:09 pm, Im so depressed I turn 35 this year. Both choices are of course nuanced by the possibility of husband calling his sister and saying he would like his wife to be invited and asking why she wasnt. Honestly, if the LWs husband stayed in town he would resent her and if she went to the party it would be awkward. Whomever the wrong party iswhether it was a mutual disagreement or one in which there was an aggressor and a victimthe husband needs to make this the point at which it is resolved. Fancy yourself as an agony aunt? He should set boundaries in which family recognizes his own family unit. January 15, 2013, 1:52 pm. January 15, 2013, 9:54 pm. I disagree with Wendy 100% for the first time ever. Why doesnt he ask his sister why his wife wasnt invited? the husbands family hated his mom for whatever reason, and so she just stopped going to FL when they went to visit. Does your boyfriend go to family events without you? no hard feelings (hopefully? She is a professor emerita, has written 15 books, and her latest is Dont Bet on the Prince!Second Edition. But it sounds like husband is going regardless and also sounds like husband will not succeed in convincing his sister to invite LW. Oh so hard to give advice without more information. Non hereditary Hair loss? nope. There is no logical reason she couldn't go. Did he ask you to drive him for pre-drinks or did you offer? It's frustrating if this happens when it's just you and a couple, but it can also be weird when one person brings their date to say, a meet up of college friends. A phone call specifying you werent invited? My face probably doesn't go along with the dead bird You should ask him instead of keep this feeling with you. January 15, 2013, 10:44 am, But if they dont like each other (& its for a petty reason), then I think the sister should just invite the wife anyway. My (30m) boyfriend has never invited me (24f) to hang out with his friends even though their girlfriends always come along. Totally fine. if you dont plant the seed, it doesnt grow. All of a sudden it is so important that he is there but not his family. Itd be to his benefit, but still not his duty. Just wait, LW will send in a clarification that she is a black Ethiopian Jew who campaigned for Obama and her husbands family is staunch Irish Catholic and anti-immigrant Republican birthers. Shes not upset that she wasnt invited, shes upset that her husband wants to go. I LOATHE my nasty, manipulative sister-in-law, her redneck sons, and their not-very-bright offspring, and must avoid discussions about them with my husband. That was one of her life's biggest moments and it was her decision who to share it with. I havent asked him to do that because I dont want to put him in that spot. When you get married, you ARE family, blood or not (lets hope for not). Quite pathetic if you ask me. And Im still making compromises to protect my family my husband, and my MIL from their own familys particular brand of nasty. I'd rather enjoy my free time rather than put the work in and feel resentful of your good time. The wife comes first. Sue Jones What a nightmare. You said that you have past with abusive people in your life. They have made ridiculous requests of him (like contributing to their bills when we have student loans and a house down payment to save up for), including using his vacation time to clean their attic and him to spend weekends taking care of his grandparents, who refuse to accept Medicaid nursing assistance and insist on family care only. While the default position is to support your spouse, certainly you dont go along with bad behaviour just because it is your spouse. But I wonder what would happen if LW just showed up for the dinner in Chicago if she really didnt do anything to warrant the exclusion? Try and mess with our family. Start looking elsewhere. Its the exact opposite! Just because you always invite him along doesn't mean he is obligated to do the same. Once you think you've figured out the reason, or lack thereof, there's nothing to do but accept it and get over it. i agree, LBH. If my bf ever did this, I would tell him I know he had a party and didn't invite me, and I am not interested in being his girlfriend anymore. January 15, 2013, 11:33 am. If you are innocent of wrong doing then it would seem your SIL is crazy and your husband totally fine with it. January 15, 2013, 4:03 pm, Good update! Perhaps that is one reason why FSIL doesnt like you so much. I think that if he would have, they would have treated me better, not for me, but for him, which would have been much better than being abused by them for 33 yrs. He's afraid you'd be jealous because he has a semi flirtatious relationship with a female collegue 3. it was known that their wasnt enough tickets for me so I and our three children would have to stay back at the MIL house where there would be people there getting ready for the graduation party. You know she is hitting refresh and reading and re-reading all these comments as much as I am yet, no update with more info. thats a little controlling, no? January 17, 2013, 4:11 pm. His sister got engaged recently and . Do you usually decline party invitations or complain about going to them, not having any fun, etc? No? I didnt know what I had done to these people! For all you know, maybe one of his friends has a problem with you. I actually wouldn't ask why he didn't want you there. No drunken rants or anything dramatic. I pushed the issue one time, and never did again because I was placed in an awkward situation of showing up at his moms birthday party--without being told it was her birthday! Theres no reason to put everybody out because youre turning _____ old. If his family accepts her then they will gain a new sister. Anyways, we battle on together to keep our family united. one of my high school boyfriends family was like this. Maybe you have an idea about why you weren't invited: there's a friend of a friend whom you don't really get along with, you don't really know that many people going, so it wouldn't make sense for you to be invited if it's a smaller get together, or it could be about awkwardness between you and an ex that the host just didn't want to deal with. I like that about you. Some people like to get together with their families to celebrate special occasions. But its worth it. Nonsense. A Concerned Girlfriend Took To Reddit Seeking The Advice Of Other Users After Learning That Her Boyfriend Planned A Vacation With His Female Best Friend And Did Not Invite Her. I think its rude and awkward, but I really wish the LW had told us the full story. Wait until he's in a more normal state of mind. In fact in my family this would be more than a ridiculous request unless it was for an emergency emergency, it would be an insult we take care of each other, not enable each other to make bad decisions or fail to plan. And while I can certainly understand why that decision would hurt and even anger you, the idea that it threatens the integrity of your marriage is nuts. And for god sakes, these are your in-laws. However, my husband feels differently. Whatever the reason, his exclusion signals youre not anintegral part of his emotional life. i agree. ebstarr Tough. Dear Wendy Glad you had a great time, and felt special , Fabelle Send them in! IF it were just an oversight, then she could say Oh, I thought because I am MARRIED to John that I was invited too!!!!! Totally Want more info on this one. If he's tired or hungover, this conversation will not end well. So my boyfriend of around 1.5 years attended a party tonight and he failed to extend an invitation to me. Though I agree with lbh that she knows why (and so does the husband). This can be even more frustrating. To me all it shows his family is that they can still see him whenever they want even if they exclude his wife. January 15, 2013, 9:53 am. But the husband has already decided to go, whether or not he should, and the LW is just going to have to deal with that in the best way she can, I guess. The two times I have had this type of thing happen, it was personality driven. See, if my fiance left me home to go on a family vacation without me, it would show them that they won. You aint gonna be the next Kim and Kanye with a fool like him Nope. Then I wonder, are you sure you are not invited? Gilda. Related 11 Signs he doesnt see a future with you. His age and actions lead me to feel like maybe your relationship is not that old and hes still in the I'm just a single guy mentality. January 18, 2013, 9:54 pm. lets_be_honest This is just how life is, and there's no avoiding it. Feb. 6, 2019. Most people in families care about each other and want to help each other. This shouldnt undermine the entire integrity of you marriage. I just cant imagine being snubbed by my husbands family like that for no valid reason and not being upset about THAT. I would never, and I do mean never, accept a family invitation sent only to me and not my husband, simply because we are a unit and the strength of our relationship is the foundation of my life; at the end of the day, I come home to my husband, not my extended family. Addie Pray I dont think so. yea, i guess that is true if you look at it that way. Steeze GatorGirl I would expect him not go to an event hosted by his sibling if I wasnt invited. I mean he wouls essentially be chosing his family and their rude ways over his wife, the woman he chose to marry. If youre not putting your spousal family first youre not mature enough to marry. Phil lives in England, UK, and has around 20 years experience as a professional life, career and executive coach. But because the husband chose the LW, and chose to stay married to her. You'll work it out.". We have some issues there, but you know what, I really believe that its important to maintain important relationships. I have to assume everyone knows why she chose not to invite the LW. January 15, 2013, 2:09 pm, Im so depressed I 35! That going on for years asked this, but are you * sure * youre not anintegral part of adults... I just cant imagine being snubbed by my husbands family like that for valid! To find an outfit, small coffee shop opened that is true you! 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