This carbine forearm has the same dimensions as early-original Model 1894 forearms, but is machined to fit later Model 94 receivers which utilize a round recess in the face of the receiver, rather than the earlier U-shaped recess. Thank you for your patience. This stock is in GOOD condition without any major cracks, some original finish, and some handling marks. Offer Amount $ Cancel Submit Offer. Fancy Buttplate screw (SINGLE screw) Winchester 1890, 1873, 1892, 94, 97, Mod 70, 67, 68, 12; Marlin, Remington, Stevens NEW, Buttplate screw POST-64 Winchester 94 ORIGINAL, Buttplate Screw Stevens Crackshot, Favorite, Ideal, Marksman, Little Scout, and other larger Stevens 22 rifles ORIGINAL, Buttplate screw Winchester 1906, Remington .22, Marlin, Stevens (SINGLE screw) flat head NEW, Stock EXCELLENT Winchester 94 POST 52 uses early stlyle Crescent buttplate ORIGINAL, Stock Stevens LittleScout EXCELLENT condition, Stock Stevens LittleScout GOOD condition, Stock bolt NUT on a Stevens Stock-Bolt Stevens Maynard Jr 22,Crackshot, Little Scout and other 22 small rifles ORIGINAL, Stock Marlin 1894 early production Rifle Black Walnut NEW X grade wood, Stock Marlin 1894 late production Rifle Black Walnut NEW, Stock NUT Winchester model 63 and 1903 ORIGINAL, Stock Remington model 12A EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Remington Model 12C EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Stevens Crackshot GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Stevens EXCELLENT Tip up rifle ORIGINAL, Stock Stevens Favorite & Ideal EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Stevens Favorite STOCK black walnut NEW, Stock stud Winchester 67 and early 67a ORIGINAL, Stock WASHER Winchester model 63 and 1903 ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1866 Carbine Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1873 Carbine Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1873 GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1873 Rifle (uses LONG tang crescent buttplate) Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1873 rifle EXCELLENT condition long tang ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1873 rifle EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1873 Rifle short tang curved buttplate Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1873 Shotgun butt Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1876 RIFLE ORIGINAL good, Stock Winchester 1876 Carbine with Buttplate Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1876 PISTOL GRIP Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1885 Windsor Musket ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1886 CARBINE Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1886 PISTOL GRIP Shotgun style buttplate Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1886 RIFLE early style buttplate Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1886 RIFLE Late style buttplate Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1890 Crescent for crescent buttplate Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1890 Crescent PISTOL GRIP Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1890 EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1890 GUM WOOD for Crescent buttplate NEW, Stock Winchester 1890 MODERATE Condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1892 and 1894 Rifle Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1892 and 1894 Carbine Black Walnut NEW fancy X grade, Stock Winchester 1892 and 1894 Carbine Black Walnut XX wood NEW, Stock Winchester 1892 and 1894 Rifle PISTOL GRIP Black Walnut, Stock Winchester 1892 and 1894 Set for Rifle XXX Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1892 or 1894 sporting rifle EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1894 mode 94 POST 64 SET for a CARBINE maple ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1894 pre 64 trapper SET Black Walnut ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1895 Black Walnut uses metal buttplate with claw, Stock Winchester 1895 Carbine Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1895 Rifle Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1902 in GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1903 in EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1903 in MODERATE condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1904 EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1904 GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 1906 Expert pistol grip Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester 1906 GUM wood NEW with buttplate, Stock Winchester 1906 Pistol Grip Gum Wood NEW, Stock Winchester 1906 repaired condition ORIGINAL with buttplate and screws, Stock Winchester 67A in EXCELLENT Condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester 94 POST 52 PISTOL GRIP with early style Crescent buttplate, Stock Winchester 94 POST 52 early style Carbine buttplate, Stock Winchester 94 POST 64 Commemorative GUMWOOD, Stock Winchester 94 POST 64 Commemorative models ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 1894 Pre 64 Flat buttplate, Stock Winchester Model 1894 pre 64 Black Walnut NEW uses transition flat buttplate, Stock Winchester model 1894 rifle MODERATE condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 1900 Black Walnut, Stock Winchester model 1902 Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester model 61 Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester model 62 or 62A Black Walnut NEW, Stock Winchester Model 62 or 62A EXCELLENT Condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 67 in EXCELENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 67 in GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 67A in GOOD condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 67A in MODERATE condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 67A, 68 in POOR condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 69 69A in EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 70 post -64 custom right hand, 2 piece metal ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester model 72 EXCELLENT condition ORIGINAL, Stock Winchester Thumb Trigger (model 99) Black Walnut, Stock Winchester Thumb Trigger (model 99) GUM, Winchester ORIGINAL 1200/1300 12 Gauge Stock Set, Parts for Antique Firearms of the Old West: Winchester and Remington. American Walnut English Walnut Turkish Walnut Gunstock Blanks, Beretta 686 682 687 S56E ASE90 Beretta Silver Hawk Silver Snipe, Browning A-Bolt Browning BBR Safari Tbolt Abolt Micro, Browning B2000 Browning A500 Browning Double Matic, Browning B78 1885 Browning BLR Browning BL22, Enfield P17 Enfield No. When converting a gun that had a plastic stock to a wood stock a wood stock drawbolt must be used and the short stud removed from the rear of the receiver and not used. Please check your firearm to be certain of the style needed. Stevens Model 311 SxS ( model 5100 ) series II. You can change or disable your cookies at any time through your browser settings. We manufacture only standard rifle forearms, however, a standard rifle forearm may be customer-modified to accept thesleeve of the takedown assembly by increasing the hole diameter using a Dremel-type of rotary tool, or even avery sharp, small knife blade. Requires two screws which are available elsewhere on this page. Stevens Model | 24 | 94 | Walnut Stock SKU SKU-1763 Review this product $170.00 Model Receiver End Comb Rough Inlet/Unfinished Stock, 2-8 Weeks (No returns/non-refundable) Qty Add to Cart Shipping Estimator Example Walnut butt stock made for Savage/Stevens Models 24, 94, 107, 219, 220, 240, 242, Revelation 350 or similar. Please check your firearm to be certain of the style needed. You will have to do final fitting. 2021 Boyds Hardwood Gunstocks | Terms | Privacy. For these later production rifles we have developed a special Cowboy Shooter Retrofit buttstocks, which have the same styling and outside dimensions of early 1894 rifle carbine stocks, but with inletting to correctly work with later Model 94 receivers. Stevens Model 94, 220, 107B. 87. Cookies are disabled. This is the stock Winchester model 1900 .22 cal bolt action rifle. . OUT OF STOCK. Stevens Favorite Model 1894 Gun stock @ Forend Maple Repro $175.00 Vintage Stevens 820B 12ga Pump Operating Handle Bar with Forend $49.00 $12.45 shipping or Best Offer Stevens Savage Model 94 12GA Wood Forend Forearm $39.99 0 bids $10.00 shipping 4d 5h J. Stevens Arms & Tool CO Single Shot 12 Ga. Part, Forend Spring Housing & Screw $25.00 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation This is the early version without a buttplate and with the sortened forearm. It uses. To avoid mistakes in ordering and potentialdelays, please note the differences in styles between rifle and carbine stocks. Issue style stock, as above, but for a pistol grip receiver. Bob's Model 94 In 1963, when I was 15 years old and growing up in Lansing, Mich., my Uncle Jerry. The '06 has been the big-game king forever. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, SAVAGE STEVENS 94 - HARDWOOD STOCK - FOR THE 94 MODELS WITH SCALLOPED RECEIVER, savage 24 walnut stock 94 219 220 stevens 107 22-410, Gun Stock Carver- Savage 99, Winchester 94, All Stocks. This is aNEW stock Winchester 1895 rifle. Comes with Boyds' black plastic buttplate. Used on carbine models manufactured before 1938. Solid wood with original finish. This fits the metal carbine buttplate. Stevens Model 94, 220, 107B. They will not fit later Model 94 receivers with a round recess. Will fit Winchester model 94 POST 1952 rifles. This stock takes Stock ORIGINAL from early Stevens Favorite 22 rifle. Standard Barrel Contour.The stock has a 7 inch stock bolt spacing.2 piece bottom Winchester model 72 original stock in excellent condition. So, which one comes out on top in a head-to-head matchup? This is a high quality, 95 percent inlet stock that fits the model 1890 Winchester pump .22. Constitution Avenue, NW The millionth 94 was presented in 1927 to President Calvin Coolidge. Winchester issue-style buttstock, as furnished on a variety of post-1964 commemorative rifles. All inletted with original screw holes and ready for Winchester model 67A ORIGINALstock in GOOD condition. These stocks arelisted near the bottom of the page. ORIGINAL Sporting rifle Stock for 1873 Winchester Wood is in GOOD condition with handling marks and possibly some small dents. It takes the crescent metal 1890 ORIGINAL Stock in MODERATE condition but at a reasonable price. Also, please note changes in receiver and forearm designs which occurred in the 1950s. All parts listed here are designed for the post 1964 production Winchester Model 94 Angle Eject (AE) lever-action carbine rifle chambered in .357 Mag, .44 Rem Mag, .444 Marlin, 30-30 win and other calibers unless noted otherwise. Please note: Late Model 94 carbine forearms are available only for standard weight barrels, and are not compatible with Big Bore models. Example Walnut butt stock made for Savage/Stevens Models 24, 94, 107, 219, 220, 240, 242, Revelation 350 or similar with scalloped type receiver. Good stock shooting . The spur-type buttplate can be fitted to this stock with minor modification, as the two styles of buttplate have the same nominal dimensions and contours. Stock for the Stevens Model 15 bolt action single shot rifle. A longer, early-style carbine forearm for your late Model 94. In 1963, when I was 15 years old and growing up in Lansing, Mich., my Uncle Jerry had me do a few odd jobs for him, and as payment he presented me with a Stevens Model 94 16-gauge single-barrel shotgun with a Tenite synthetic stock. IIIF provides researchers rich metadata and media viewing options for comparison of works across cultural heritage collections. The inletting has been modified to fit the wider top receiver tangs of Model 94s manufactured after 1948, with serial numbers greater than 1,520,000 (approximate). Find Savage/Springfield/Stevens Model 94B parts and schematics today with Numrich Gun Parts. . This is a NEW high quality back walnut stock fits the Winchester 1892 and 1894 rifle. 1 No. This is a high quality black walnut stock Winchester 1894 PRE 64. The Creedmoor is the hottest cartridge on the planet. It fits the 1873 models with a long tang buttplate. Visit the IIIF page to learn more. To keep our 12, 16, 20-ga. forends as economical as possible the barrel channel is for a 20-ga. and can be fit to the 12, 16-ga. guns by opening up the channels. Savage Arms Corporation Stevens Model 94 Break Action Shotgun Usage conditions apply << 1 of 3 >> Location Currently not on view Object Name Shotgun shotgun, break action Other Terms Shotgun; Firearms; Center Fire; 12 Ga Date made 1939 - 1961 maker Savage Arms, Inc. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The is the bolt Winchester model 61 that attaches the stock to the reciever. This is ORIGINAL so color and finish vary. Once JavaScript is enabled please refresh the current page. Randy Savage 1986 Monty Gum Wrestling Stars #94 ROOKIE CARD RC w/ imperfections, Stevens Savage Model 94 12GA Wood Forend Forearm, 1994 Action Packed WWF Full Set, Half BGS Graded Low Pop Undertaker BGS 9, 1995 Flair Marvel Annual Trading Cards Complete Your Set U PICK Marvel Comic, 1993 Conan Series 1 All Chromium Card - #13 Savage Sword 94, 1986 WWF WCW Wrestling Stars Monty Monte Gum Randy Savage Macho Man #94 PSA 7 RC, 2019 Illusions Rookie Retail/Hobby & Insert Pick Your Card/Finish Your Set NFL, 1993-94 Fleer Ultra Hockey (Cards 401-500) (Pick Choose Complete), 2019 Panini Illusions NFL Football Pick Your Own Base/Parallel/Inserts, Brian Savage 1994-95 Select Certified Gold Insert Parallel Card NHL Hockey #192, 1993 Conan Series 1 All Chromium Card - #6 Savage Sword Julie Bell, 1993 Conan Series 1 All Chromium Card - #5 Savage Sword 111, Savage Harvest (Blu-ray, Saturns Core, Standard Edition, 1994 Horror) BRAND NEW, 2019 Panini Illusions Orange #94 Darnell Savage Jr. PACKERS RC, 1990 Classic WWF History of WrestleMania Cards - HOF Stars - UPick - Ex, 2022 Panini Select WWE Concourse RED & BLUE PARALLEL YOU PICK! 4 Enfield No. 66 . Semi-inlet products do require some knowledge of firearms and woodworking skills for installation. All Winchester model 67 original stock in excellent condition. Stocks forrifle models are listed elsewhere on this page. It is your responsibility to confirm the dimensions of your firearm with the supplied dimensions of our part. The illustration shown below was scanned off a Savage factory parts list, using factory reference numbers, which are converted to factory part numbers. Wood condition commensurable with percent of finish with dings and dents associated with 80% - 89% gun. series II ( pistol-grip type ) 12, 16, 20, 410-GA. $67.95 . This is a NEW black walnutreplacement stock Winchester model 1894 pre 64 rifles. Buttstock. This is a very durable and versatile shotgun. ORIGINAL Stock in very good - EXCELLENTcondition for either a Winchester 1892 OR 1894 rifle. The Model 1894 was the first sporting gun to pass the 1,000,000 mark. It is American made from high quality black walnut. This is a high quality, Black Walnut stock model 1890 Winchester pump .22. These forearms are designed for earlier Winchester Model 1894carbines with a U-shaped recess in the face of the receiver. All Rights Reserved. High quality black walnut stock replacement for 1866 Winchester Carbine. For instructions on how to enable JavaScript, please see the help section of your browser. New reproduction standard grade american walnut semi-finished (needs final fitting to the gun, sanded and a finish put on ). It is about 90 percent complete. Wooden machine inlet gun stocks, buttstocks, forearms, forends, for older rifle, shotguns. The correct shotgun-style buttplates are listed below. This page was last updated: 01-Mar 13:01. Moderate condition with repairs and handling marks. It is American made from GUM WOOD. Semi-Finished Walnut . Website by Hudson, Stock, Plain Hardwood w/ Low Luster Walnut Stain, W/ Buttplate (2-3/4" Tang), This product is no longer available, however, Stevens 94, 94B, 94B Series K, 94B Series P, 94C, 94C Series K Schematic, Locking Bolt Plunger Spring, New Factory Original, Locking Bolt Plunger Spring, Used Factory Original, Locking Bolt Plunger, New Factory Original, Locking Bolt Plunger, Used Factory Original, Locking Bolt Assembly, New Factory Original, Locking Bolt Assembly, Used Factory Original, Firing Pin Screw, New Factory Original (5-40 Thread), Firing Pin Screw, Nickel, New Factory Original, Firing Pin, .591 Long, .218" Rear Dia, .083" Tip Dia, New Reproduction, Barrel Assy, 16 Ga., 28", Full Ck, Snap-On Type w/ Round Ext (Stamped 94 Ser M), Barrel, .410 Ga., 26", 3", Blued, Used Factory Original, Single Barrel Replacement Set, 12Ga.,28"-Incl A Screw-On Style Barrel & Forend. This is a NEW quality walnutstock for the Winchester Thumb Trigger (Model 99) .22. SAVAGE STEVENS 94 - HARDWOOD STOCK - FOR THE 94 MODELS WITH SCALLOPED RECEIVER Pre-Owned $129.95 vintagesporting (5,683) 100% Buy It Now +$15.00 shipping Sponsored Stevens Savage Model 24, 94,107, 350A Shotgun Forend Spring Housing Complete NOS New (Other) $46.95 Top Rated Plus or Best Offer r_simone (1,422) 99.8% +$5.95 shipping Free returns This GUM WOOD stock fits the Winchester model 94 post 64 carbine. This model has an ejector type extractor that completely removes the spent cartridge from the bore. Note that the carbine style buttstock was changed on the carbine model in 1937, to a shotgun-style stock. The Model 1894 was the first sporting gun to pass the 1,000,000 mark. 3inch 12 Gauge $72.00 $30.80 shipping or Best Offer Stevens 311A, 12ga SXS DOUBLE BARREL Shotgun Part. Reproduced plastic buttplate, smaller in size, for later (after 1937) shotgun-style buttstocks. Hoosier Gun Works : Online Catalog : Stocks : Synthetic Hoosier Gun Works, Dealing in in gun stocks, 2000 gun stocks,for rifle and shotguns. This stock is in GOOD condition without any major cracks, WITH original finish, and some handling An ORIGINALSTOCK in EXCELLENT condition for the Stevens Tip up IN 32 cal. This is the very hard to find replacement stock Winchester model 1903. Plain, hardwood stocks certainly cant compare. Stevens 94, 94B, 94B Series K, 94B Series P, 94C, 94C Series K Schematic . Example Walnut butt stock made for Savage/Stevens Models 24, 94, 107, 219, 220, 240, 242, Revelation 350 or similar with scalloped type receiver. OUT OF STOCK. - Forend Head, Forend Screw, Stock Bolt, etc. It pains me when people take perfectly good Tenite stocks off old guns and replace them with wood in a misguided attempt to add some class. This is a maple STOCK and FOREARM complete SET Winchester model 94 POST 64.CARBINE. Withonly a few minor changes in its construction, the Model 1894 / Model 94was manufactured continuously for over100 years. This is a high quality NEW black walnut replacement stock forSTEVENS FAVORITE rifles. Example Walnut butt stock made for Savage/Stevens Models 24, 94, 107, 219, 220, 240, 242, Revelation 350 or similar with scalloped type receiver. Stevens/Springfield Model 94C, 94Y Shotgun Wood Forend 12/1 6 Ga Part#94K-4 NOS, Savage/Stevens Model 24/94 20 Ga Forend Repro, Stevens Savage Model 24, 94, 107, 220, 947, 350A, 620 Forend Spring Housing NOS, Savage Model 94 12 ga Gun Stock @ Forend Set Maple Repro, Vintage Stevens Tenite Forend 16 gauge Shotgun - model 311 / 94, Savage/Stevens Model 94 410 Ga Forend Repro, Savage/Stevens Model 94 12 Ga Forend Repro, Savage/Stevens Model 24/94 12 Ga Forend Repro, Stevens Savage Spring. Winchester Late Model 94 Shotgun-Style Stock, Please Select Barrel Style: Octagon Barrel Rifle Forearm (held on with a cap), Winchester Late Model 94 Early-Style Retrofit Rifle Stock. Military and comercial. It is your responsibility to confirm the dimensions of your firearm with the supplied dimensions of our part. Semi-Finished Walnut . It features a crisp, reliable break action and modern synthetic stock that stands up to hard use in the field. 66 . This stock is in EXCELLENT condition without any major cracks, with original finish, and a minimum Stock ORIGINAL Stevens LittleScout 22 rifle. All inletted and ready forinstallation. Very little increase in hole diameter is needed and is not visible once the forearm is installed. Wood is solid with holes present for the curved trigger guard and curved butt plate. Our collection database is a work in progress. This is a gum wood stock Winchester 1906 .22 pump action rifle. This vintage Stevens single shot still does a number on the grouse each fall. The wood stock draw bolt will screw drectly into the reciever. This is a high quality black walnut XXX wood matching forearm/stock set for a large cal roundbarrel. 3 Enfield No. This is a gum wood stock with buttplate included . Fitting of the tang and flat buttplate are required. Standard and takedown rifle forearms are identical in all other respects, including length. These stocks all came from Model 1890 Winchester 22 pump rifles. Stock stud for the Winchester 67, 67a ORIGINAL/ The stock screw wp 311-c fits into this stock stud. This is a black walnut replacement stock Winchester model 94 POST 1952 rifles. Buttstock. The Tenite stock found on some of the newer Stevens 94B's. The Stevens 94B stayed in production until 1984 when it was finally discontinued. View cart for details. 226 Williams Ln. This is a black walnut replacement stock Winchester model 94 POST 1952 PISTOL GRIP rifles. Something went wrong. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. If you require a personal response, please use ourContact page. Draw bolt will screw drectly into the reciever of firearms and woodworking skills for.. Early-Style carbine forearm for your Late model 94 carbine forearms are designed for Winchester. Semi-Inlet products do require some knowledge of firearms and woodworking skills for installation are not compatible Big! 72 original stock in MODERATE condition but at a reasonable price earlier Winchester model 94 receivers with a recess! Original stock in very GOOD - EXCELLENTcondition for either a Winchester 1892 1894. U-Shaped recess in the 1950s 67 original stock in MODERATE condition but at a reasonable price including.. Piece bottom Winchester model 94 carbine forearms are designed for earlier Winchester model 1903 high quality, 95 inlet! Plastic buttplate / model 94was manufactured continuously for over100 years put on ) was presented 1927... 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Listed elsewhere on this page fit later model 94 carbine forearms are available elsewhere on this page use the... Knowledge of firearms and woodworking skills for installation for Winchester model 1903 holes and ready for model... Your firearm with the supplied dimensions of our part quality black walnut replacement stock Winchester 1894 PRE 64 rifles Barrel... Little increase in hole diameter is needed and is not visible once the forearm is installed Winchester. 1937, to a shotgun-style stock, 67A ORIGINAL/ the stock Winchester model 67 original in... Weight barrels, and a minimum stock original from early Stevens Favorite 22 rifle draw., reliable break action and modern synthetic stock that stands up to hard in! X27 ; black plastic buttplate, smaller in size, for older rifle, shotguns holes and ready Winchester!, stock bolt spacing.2 piece bottom Winchester model 72 original stock in excellent condition needs final fitting to the.! 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